Chapter 7. Good Sort

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Okay, so this chapter was meant to be about Harry and how good he is with Draco but if morphed into this so that will be next chapter (I hope) This is more about Riley as a mum and Niall having a crush :P Enjoy x

Chapter 7

“Open up” smiled Harry, sailing a spoon of food through the air “Open wide Drake”

Draco opened his mouth and bit down on the spoon Harry had placed there, a goofy smile on his face

“Woops” Harry muttered as a little sliver of food dribbled out of Drake’s lips, he scooped it up with the spoon and fed it back to him

“There adorable aren’t they” Smiled Louis, leaning over to watch the two boys more clearly

“They are” I agreed

“Harry absolutely adores that kid, it sounds silly but sometimes I think he wishes he had one of his won”

“Harry has plenty of time to have kids, he’s young, eventually he’ll get over his one night stand phase and then he’ll settle down” I smiled “Then you’ll be an uncle all over again and I’ll be an aunty”

“That’d be nice; I can just imagine little Styles running around all over the place with big curls”

I laughed “That is a cute image”

Harry twirled the spoon in the air and made a plane noise before landing the plastic in Draco’s mouth

Louis and I giggled at the cute action

“I swear he thinks that kid is his own” laughed Louis, sitting back and looking at me

“In one way or another he is, Harry’s the only father figure Draco’s got”

“What if you get married later on in life, or get a boyfriend, won’t they be Draco’s father in one way or another?”

“I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon Lou”

“And why not, you’re a good looking lady”

“No one wants to date a 19 year old mother”

“Selling yourself short again” he smiled “You need to get out”

“I have a son to take care of an a job to get to, I don’t have time to get out”

“You’re off today, you’ll be off tomorrow too because I’m taking you out”

“Louis I don’t think-“

“Oh relax, every girl needs a day shopping, even a mum, now I won’t take no for an answer, even Liam takes time off once in a while”

“What do I do?” asked Liam, turning at the mention of his name

“Nothing Daddy Direction, shush up for a second” said Louis waving him off “Say yes”

I sighed “Fine, yes I’ll go shopping with you”

“Great!” exclaimed Harry and Louis at the same time

“Louis, you and Niall take Rile’s shopping tomorrow and Zayn, Liam and I will take care of our nephew”

The boys all nodded

“I guess I have no choice” I sighed

“None at all” smiled Harry before spooning another thing of food into Draco’s open mouth

“Damn you for being such a good Uncle” I muttered

He looked up and smiled “I’m the best”

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