Chapter 42. Quiet Niall

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Chapter 42

I was up before Niall the next morning. I threw on one of his old shirts and searched through the papers and books on his desk like a nosy little girlfriend would. There was scratchy writing all over the desk, little notes, song lyrics, stupid things about people Niall had never mentioned and a few letters on the very edge of the desk that made me smile.

‘My dream is to be a singer. I live for music & singing!! Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do x’

I sat down at Niall’s desk, tracing the words over with my finger, I was so caught up with them that I didn’t even notice Niall get out of bed.

“Morning Baby” he whispered voice full of sleep as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my neck “What are you doing?”

“Thought I’d have a look around your room” I replied looking up at him. His hair was all messy, blonde and brown spikes flying everywhere, his eyes were full of sleep and his eyelids were drooping ever so slightly. “Go back to bed” I whispered placing my hand on his cheek “You look tired”

He shook his head “Only because you take it out of me”

I giggled at the mention of last night. Niall grabbed me off the chair and placed me on his lap as he sat where I had just been sitting.

“That’s better” he smiled, kissing my lips “Morning”


“So what did you find?” he asked

I looked down at the writing on the desk and pointed to it “That’s very sweet”

Niall blushed and shrugged “I was young”

“You’re young now” I laughed “But I like seeing this side of you”

“What side?”

 “The family side, the side that doesn’t have you jetting all over the country and running around from place to place like a mad man” I replied, burying my face in Niall’s bare shoulders “I like quiet Niall”

“Oh really?” he asked, a grin forming at the corner of his lips “You like quiet Niall?”

I nodded. Niall chuckled and picked me up again, cradling me to his chest as he walked us over to the bed, Niall dropped me onto the bed with a laugh and kneeled over me.

“You like quiet Niall huh?” he asked, hands on the sides of my stomach and fingers moving gently all over so it tickled.

“Niall stop!” I laughed, clutching at my sides, trying to pry his fingers away

“You like quiet Niall?” he laughed over my squeals “Do you?”

“You idiot, stop it, I’m ticklish” I squealed kicking him gently to try and get him off me

“Never” he cried, fingers moving faster on my sides and laughing as I screamed and squealed.

“Niall!” I giggled “Niall stop it!”

Niall dropped his hands from my sides and pressed them into the mattress tightly either side of my head, blue eyes burning down at me as I caught my breath, looking back up at him.

“You like quiet Niall huh?” he whispered, leaning closer slowly. I nodded, breath hitching in my throat as he crawled even closer, knees resting in between my legs. “You didn’t like quiet Niall last night”

I bit my lip and tangled my hands in his hair “That’s because you were anything but quiet last night”

“You were louder than me” he whispered, running his hand over my stomach under the shirt I was wearing. Niall leaned down to kiss my collar bones, rubbing circles into the skin over my ribs under my shirt and his other hand tangling in my hair. I tugged gently on his hair so his lips met mine and both of us moaned, Niall pulled me further up the bed and wrapped his hand in my shirt.

“I love you” I whispered, biting his lip gently and staring up at him breathlessly

“I love you too” he replied pecking my lips gently and stroking my hair “I love you so much”

I dropped my head back against the pillow and Niall rolled to the side, wrapping his legs in mine and his arms around my waist, holding us together tightly.

“Don’t you find this weird?” I asked, tracing my fingers across his chest

“Don’t I find what weird?” he replied, slightly breathless

“That we did what we did last night in your old bed?” I laughed

“Nope” he smiled hugging me tighter “Bought time this bed got some action”

I laughed and buried my head into his chest “More like about time you got some action”

“Oi” he warned pinching my thigh “You watch it Missy”

“Yes sir” I giggled, kissing his chest “Whatever you say”

It was quiet for a few more minutes before Niall unwrapped himself from me and sat up, feet hanging off the edge of the bed and back turned to me, it reminded me of the morning after his birthday, after our drunken conversation about Draco.

“Hey” I whispered running my fingers down his spine, he turned to me and smiled, knowing what I was thinking of.

He leaned over and kissed me. “It’s not like that this time” he whispered “I promise”

I nodded and kissed his lips gently again.

“I have something for you” he grinned “But you have to close your eyes”

I laughed and placed my hand over my eyes, I felt Niall get up from the bed, I heard the zipper of his suitcase and rustle of clothes before his weight returned to the bed.

“Ready?” he whispered

“Ready” I smiled

“Okay, you can look”

I pulled my hand away from my eyes and looked up at Niall. He was sitting on his knees of the bed facing me, his hands clasped around something small and red.

“What is it?” I asked, sitting up straighter and pulling the covers across my bare legs.

Niall opened his hands and showed me the little red box he had been holding, it was the size of his hands, colored a dark red with a thin gold trim around the top and bottom of the box.

“It’s a box” grinned Niall

“You’re so cute” I giggled “Getting all excited for a box”

Niall rolled his eyes “You don’t get it do you?”

“No, I do, you got me a box” I chuckled, patting his cheek “It’s a very beautiful box Niall”

Niall shook his head and kissed my wrist “Sill girl, it’s a ring box”

My hand dropped from his cheek like my jaw dropped to the floor.


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