Chapter 22. Twitlonger

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Chapter 22

Harry and Zayn went back to apartment in the early morning to give Niall and I some space. We had a simple breakfast before we lounged around the living room for the rest of the morning. The boys came home around lunch – all of the boys.

I frowned “Hey Liam, Louis, where are the girls?”

“They went out shopping; well we went out shopping together, the 4 of us, and we ran into Harry and Zayn-“ Louis nodded towards the other two boys, Harry holding today’s Newspaper in his hands and Zayn nervously rolling a magazine in his hands”-and then the girls pointed out today’s newspaper”

“Exciting” I laughed “So why did you all rush back here?”

“It’s not so good” whispered Harry, slowly handed me the folded over paper. I frowned and took the paper from his hands, sinking back into the lounge as the other 4 boys stepped back slightly.

The front page was worse than I imagined.


“What’s this about?” I frowned and looked up at the boys.

“Read it” whispered Niall, shuffling closer to me

I opened to the first page of the paper and did as I was told, I read;


One Direction’s Niall Horan, 18, has recently stepped out into the public with Riley Kendall, 19, Kendall a teen mother and best friend to Horan’s band-mate Harry Styles, 18, started dating the pop-star after a secret dinner/desert at a fancy restaurant rendezvous in Australia when the band performed there earlier this year. Horan and Kendall haven’t denied their relationship, but neither have they completely claimed the statement is true, though from their cute tweets and loving pictures we wouldn’t suspect anything else.

Kendall is the mother of 2 year old Draco, turning 3 later this year Draco is the child of the late Patrick Carter, recently deceased in a house fire that almost took all of their lives. Kendall now lives in a house in London with carter’s mother, 5 minutes away from the One Direction Complex.

Kendall and Horan have been a strong front in the fort of their relationship, Horan looks to take 2 year old Draco on as his own and the rest of the one direction family, including Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder have taken to the role of being Draco’s aunties with his super-star Uncles. It isn’t clear what Draco calls the Blonde-Irishmen, whether it is Uncle or Daddy, we understand that the two blonde boys have been even closer since Horan’s relationship with his mother started.

Despite the close-bond between singer and son may be, we are left to imagine that strain of a romantic and family orientated relationship may be a bit too much for 1/5th of the hottest boy band around. Fan’s yesterday spotted Draco with his Nan and Great-Aunt in Edgware while Kendall and Horan are living in Mother Carter’s house with Harry Styles and Zayn Malik, 19, while Liam Payne, 19, Girlfriend Danielle Peazer, 24 , Louis Tomlinson, 20, and Girlfriend Eleanor Calder, 20, shack up at the One Direction apartments for some time together after returning from tour, a small taste of what we can expect from the boys on their world tour in 2013.

With Draco out of the picture Kendall and Horan have spent much more time by themselves inside or on quiet nights out, being spotted ordering take-away from a small shop down the street from where they are currently residing before locking themselves away with Styles and Malik for the night. We aren’t sure if it’s a good thing that the boys are being looked after by such a motherly figure 24/7 now or if we should be worried about 2 year-old Draco, being shipped off for 2 weeks with his Nan to confront Sleep Therapy to help with nightmares a source has reported plague the little boys sleep. If the latter is correct, we would imagine his mother would be by his side through such a difficult thing.

Riley Kendall may have entered into a relationship but it seems that this balancing act of boyfriend and child is piling up on her and she needs to clear her head, instead of having a break from the obvious relationship this girl has thrown a curve ball and dumped her son on loving Nan. Kendall and Horan may be a Princess and a King in the world of their fans but maybe this princess should look after her flesh and blood before her “King”.

             Bet Macintyre – Gossip News UK.

I stared at the page for a second before looking up at the boys “Did they just accuse me of shipping off my son so I could spend time with Niall?”

Harry nodded slowly and my brain finally clicked into what had just happened. I had just received my first hate, and it wasn’t even about dating Niall. I had expected my first hate to be some kind of stab on me not being good enough for Niall from a jealous fan, instead, I’m made out to be a shocking mother by a national newspaper that published hard copy and online. I was so screwed.

I threw the paper into Niall’s lap and stormed off into the kitchen.

“Riles wait” pleaded Niall. I ignored him and grabbed myself a cup of cold water, sculling it down hoping it would put out the angry flame in my stomach. It didn’t do anything except quench my thirst.

“Riley” said Harry, walking in, wringing the magazine Zayn held a few moments ago in his hands “You okay?”

“I was just called a shocking mother in a national newspaper” I sighed “I’m absolutely fine you idiot”

Harry frowned and gave me a knowing look “You aren’t a shocking mother, they have no idea what they’re talking about”

“Oh shut up Harry, everyone knows that Gossip is gossip and I can take a hit, on anything, if they called me a bad girlfriend I would shake it off but they brought my son into this, that’s going too far”

“Then let them know” Harry tossed me my phone, my twitter already open on a new tweet “Let the whole world know”

I decided to take his advice; I made a Twitlonger.

People have no idea. Draco is away with his Nan because she was WILLING to take Draco to his Sleep Therapy, I’m not there because I don’t like the idea of such therapy on my child, I know it will help him but I hate to see him cry so Mrs. Carter insisted to take him for me. I will always be there for my son, Draco is my whole world and he was even before I knew Niall, Niall knows my priorities #1 is Draco and always will be. If some Gossip journalist thinks she can accuse me of being a terrible mother that doesn’t care she’s got another thing coming, I will not take any Bull from anyone about my Son, call ME names, Tell ME I’m not a good enough person, but bring my Son into any of this Drama and I will have something to say. You do not have the right to tell me how to Mother my child, He is MY son, not yours, and if you have an issue with the way I work, come and speak to ME Mrs. Newspaper, You know where I’m at. YOU KNOW MY NAME NOT MY STORY.

I closed my phone and looked back up at Harry.

“Feel better?” he asked with a small smile

I nodded. It felt better to get the anger off my chest than to bottle it and bitch it back up on one of the boys later.

“Good” Harry smiled, throwing the magazine cover-up on the table in front of us”-Because you have more reading to do”

The gossip magazine had a title worse than the newspaper; NIALL HORAN’S GIRL: BABY COMES WITH. Is Niall Horan stuck in a relationship with Kid tag-a-long?

I dropped down in the chair in front of my and groaned. These people were idiots.

“Get reading” sighed Harry walking out “We’re going back out to get the girls; they were buying all the magazines they could find with you or Niall on it. We are getting to the bottom of this!”

I dropped my head onto the table - Great.

Just great

Sorry it's taken so long to post. Quote here goes out to JC Caylen - he's a guy on YouTube with a video that almost made me cry about assuming shit and judging people. I've posted it on the side, PLEASE take the time to listen. THANKYOU XXX

"You know our name, not our story. You've heard what we've done, not what we've been through. So think before you assume, and don't judge..." ~ JC Caylen 

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