Chapter 37. Family Day

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Chapter 37

Riley’s POV

The bed was squeaking.

“Mama, Mama” called Draco, little hands touching my shoulders and head “Mama, wake up, Uncle Hazza is here, Mama”

I opened my eyes and rolled over, looking up at the little blonde boy staring down at me in his boxers and ‘If you think I’m cute, you should see my Daddy’ shirt.

“Morning baby boy” I smiled up at him, squeezing his little hand in mine “Did you say Hazza was here?”

Draco nodded “He told me to go wake Mama and Daddy up”


There was a low moan beside me and hot hands wrapped around my stomach, causing me to jump. A brown head of hair fell into the crook of my neck and wet lips found my skin briefly. “Good morning beautiful” Niall moaned, hands tightening on my hips.

“Good morning baby” I smiled, hand beneath the blankets reaching out for his arm.

“Morning Daddy!” screamed Draco, throwing himself on top of Niall. Niall groaned and released me for a second to hug Draco tightly.

“Hey little man” Muttered Niall, opening his eyes briefly and smiling at the bouncing little blonde on his stomach “Nice shirt”

I chuckled and Draco grinned.

“Go tell Uncle Hazza that Daddy and I will be down in a second okay?” I said, as Draco stood on the bed and bounced his way to the edge and jumped onto the floor.

“Uncle Hazza, Uncle Hazza, Uncle Hazza!” The little boy’s voice drifted off down the hallways and stairs until I could barely hear it. Niall pulled me into him, locking his lips on mine lustfully and squeezing his hands on my waist again.

“God, I love you” he whispered, hand tying in my hair “I want to wake up with you every morning”

I smiled and pecked his lips “I love you too”

“Did he say Harry was here?”

“Yeah, he must have let himself in”

“Of course the god father has a key” he chuckled, no envy in his voice what-so-ever “Which reminds me-“ Niall twisted to pull his jeans off the floor, the material still slightly wet, he dug around in his pocket for a second before pulling out a chain with a single key on it. “This” he said, holding the key between us “Is to the complex, my apartment to be exact”

I smiled, getting slightly teary as Niall clipped the chain around my neck. I turned and rummaged around in my bedside table drawer and handed him the extra key I kept for emergencies.

“Now were even” I smiled as Niall wrapped his arms around me again and kissed me roughly.

“Mum and Dad” screamed Harry from downstairs “Breakfast!”

Niall sighed “I guess that means ‘stop snogging, get some clothes on and your butts down here’”

“I guess so” I laughed

I pulled on some jeans and an old shirt of Niall’s and Niall pulled some of the clothes he left here out of the back of my wardrobe where I had hidden them after our break up. In between a few giggles and stolen kisses, we finally made it downstairs to find Harry, frilly apron and all, cooking pancakes, toast and bacon in the kitchen, singing along to the radio with Draco who was sitting up on the counter, bopping along to his voice.

“Morning guys” I smiled, kissing Draco and Harry was I walked past.

“Morning” grinned Harry. Niall gave Draco a kiss and tousled Harry’s hair before wrapping his arms around me and sitting us up on the kitchen table.

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