Chapter 29. 'As Long As You Love Me'

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Chapter 29

After the awards, Danielle, Eleanor and I met the boys backstage to catch up before we all went our own ways.

“So Liam’s taking you on Holidays?” I asked Danielle as we stood backstage waiting for the boys to get themselves together and take some photos after their performance and to collect all their awards.

“Yeah” she smiled “He won’t tell me where though”

“Same with Louis” said Eleanor “He won’t tell me anything”

“He’s taking you on holidays too?” I asked

Eleanor nodded “Is Niall taking you on Holidays?”

I shook my head “Draco comes home next week, were heading home tomorrow I think”

“Aww” cooed Danielle

Niall’s being a big softy and going home to see the kid”

“Yeah” I blushed

“Hey girls” smiled Liam, leading the group of tired boys over to us. He scooped Danielle up in his arms and Louis did the same to Eleanor. Harry pecked my cheek and Zayn pushed him along for Niall to wrap his arms around me.

“Did you have fun tonight?” Niall whispered, kissing my neck

“Yeah, you guys were amazing, I’m so proud of you!” I turned and gave him a big kiss “So what are we doing now?”

“Liam and Louis have got to get to the airport or they’ll miss their flights” smiled Niall knowingly

“Yeah, gotta go back to the hotel and get our stuff” nodded Louis

“I’ll come with you” said Harry “I gotta get my bag as well”

“Are you leaving tonight?” I asked

“Yeah, going to go see some mates when I get back, I’ll check up on the house” he smiled

“Thanks Hazza”

“No problem”

Danielle, Eleanor, Louis, Harry and Liam said goodbye to Niall, Zayn and I and made their way out of the Staples centre into vans that Paul said were waiting outside.

Zayn turned to us and smiled “been a while since we hung out together”

“Yeah” I said, slipping out of Niall’s arms to give Zayn a hug. He had been in and out of the house for weeks now, seeing Perrie and doing some work in the studio. I never got to see him anymore.

“So what are we doing?” I asked, looking at both of them

“Well, we got invited to have a very late dinner” smiled Niall

“With Niall’s Boyfriend” laughed Zayn

I raised an eyebrow at the both of them as they burst out laughing and then singing.

If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go, I could take you places you ain’t never been before, baby take a chance or you’ll never ever know, swag, swag, swag on you, chilling by the fire, eating fondue, I don’t know about me but I know about you so say hello to falsetto in 3, 2, Swag!”

I rolled my eyes “You boys are crazy”

There was clapping from behind us with a Canadian “Bravo, Bravo, I couldn’t have done better myself”

Niall laughed and shook hands with the brunette Canadian boy giving him a wide smile “Hey Justin nice to see you”

Justin Bieber stepped up and shook Zayn’s hand as well, smiling over his shoulder at Niall “Same here, it’s been a while, great performance tonight by the way, I didn’t get a chance to say it before”

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