Chapter 30. The Night of His Birthday

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  • Dedicated to HAPPY 19TH NIALL <3 <3 <3

Chapter 30

I barely talked to Niall over the next few days, we were both so tired on the plane we slept the entire way home, he held my hand through the airport but kept his lips shut, claiming he was ‘tired’, which I believed. Zayn had been giving me sad smiles the entire day and I knew why when we got on the plane and Niall put his headphones in, going straight to sleep which was unlike him.

We landed and he came back home with me, sleeping in the same bed as me that night and claiming he had to go get clean clothes the next morning. I had to go back to work and Draco came home on the Monday after we got home so Niall went back to living at his apartment, we had different things to do and we always seemed to be busy when the other was free to come and see us, so unless Niall ended up in hospital or I ended up at one of the parties or events he was at, we didn’t see each other for about 3 or 4 days. Then it was his birthday.

After his golf charity event we all went out for his birthday, Niall, Draco, Harry, Zayn, Perrie, Mum and I. Niall acted as if nothing was wrong, holding my hand under the table on occasions that he wasn’t eating and joking around with all of us, letting Draco crawl all over him when he wasn’t fussing over his new ‘Aunt Per’ and I went home with him that night, Draco going home with Mum after he passed out at about 9.

Zayn and Perrie went back to Zayn’s place at around 11, Harry retiring from the drinks at about 1, and drunkenly clambering up to his apartment around then, leaving Niall and I alone, for the first time in a long time.

“Happy Birthday Baby” I said, leaning over the lounge and kissing him, the kiss tasting like chocolate and alcohol “I should probably get going, it’s late”

“No” pouted Niall pulling me onto his lap and hooking his fingers around my hips “No, stay the night”

“Niall” I giggled “You’re drunk”

“So are you” he laughed

It was true. We were both drunk, enough to slur our words and wobble our steps but not enough to start shooting ridiculous proclamations out the window or dancing around naked in the apartment.

“Come on” he whispered, drawing his hands up my sides “Stay the night”

“I don’t know” I replied lowly, resting my forehead on his “I’ll stay if you tell me one thing”


“Are we okay?” I asked “Tell me, honestly, because we haven’t spoken in 4 days and I miss you being next to me because you never are”

“We have spoken”

“A text saying ‘Good morning’ and ‘Good night’ every day doesn’t count, everything was fine at dinner, I just want to know why we haven’t been like that lately”

“We’ve been busy, everything will die down soon”

“Or get busier”

Niall sighed and dropped his hands to rest on my thighs “Riley” he said completely sober “Why do you think something’s wrong?”

“Ever since Justin said that thing about Draco you’ve barely spoken to me that’s why”

Niall bit his lip “It annoyed me okay, you said Pat was Draco’s dad, you said that Draco’s dad died, I know it’s true to some degree but I’m his dad too, I feel like his dad as well and when you say that his dad’s dead it makes me feel like I’m back to being Uncle Ni” Niall shook his head “It’s just me being stupid”

“Niall” I whispered, gripping his chin with my fingers and forcing him to look at me “You’re Draco’s dad, no matter what you think, not by blood but you’re still his dad”

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