Chapter 28. The VMA's and A Pouting Harry

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  • Dedicated to HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY LUX xx

Long Chapter :) Enjoy xx

Chapter 28

We brought both dresses in the end. Louise was happy enough to lend her room the next day to do our hair and make-up and help me choose my dress after she had done the boys hair and clothes for the day.

“Can I see your dress?” asked Niall after Louise had finished doing up his quiff and makeup.

“No” I laughed

“Why not?”

“Because we haven’t picked it yet” interrupted Danielle, walking past in track pants, a jumper and her hair up in a messy bun.

“Really?” he asked “The shows an hour away”

“Which means you should be going” I smiled, kissing his lips lightly and pushing him away from me “Go on, it’s ‘One Direction’, not ‘4/5th of One Direction and Niall’”

He shrugged “Give me one more kiss and I’ll go”

I rolled my eyes and kissed him again. He left with the other boys after that and El and I sat on Louise’s bed and watched her do Danielle hair and makeup in front of a mirror, then Eleanor’s and finally mine.

“First award show Riley, are you nervous?” asked Lou, brushing out the knots in my hair

“A little” I answered “With all of the media stuff lately, I’m a little worried about what people will think of me”

“Don’t worry darling” smiled Lou, kissing my forehead “Everything will be alright and you will look stunning in this dress”

“Which dress?”

“The one we put in the bathroom for you” smirked El, twisting a piece of her hair in front of her face “You’ll have to wait until you’re finished with your makeup to see it”

“Well can I at least see yours?” I begged

“I’m not getting changed yet” she smiled “Danielle is”

“Speak of the devil” laughed Lou as the bathroom door opened and shut again quickly before I could see any of the dresses hanging up. I shook my head at their sneakiness and smiled as Danielle, nervously, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled nervously at us.

“How do I look?” she asked, spinning slowly in her fancy blue silk, patterned dress and black heels, hair full of tamed curls that traveled down to her chest and framed her face nicely, light natural make-up courtesy of Lou herself.

“You look amazing” I smiled “I’d hug you but I’m tied to a chair by a crazy makeup person”

Lou pulled on my hair teasingly and Danielle laughed. “Thank you Riley” Danielle smiled “You’re starting to look very cute as well”

“She’s going to knock the haters out of the room” smiled Lou “When I’m done with her, no one will even think that she has a kid”

“She’s going to look hot” smiled El, who hugged Danielle on her way to the bathroom and smiled at me “And you do look amazing Dani”

“Now it’s your turn to join the hot club” Dani laughed as El locked the door “I wish Perrie was coming with us”

“Life of the party Perrie” laughed Lou “You 4 would be a force to be reckoned with”

“We already are” I smiled

“True that” said Lou, finishing up with my hair and grabbing her large makeup bag “Now shut up and let me do your makeup”

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