Chapter 6. Other end of the Table

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Chapter 6

“So you survived” chuckled Harry slinging Draco on his hip

I frowned “Yes, but can I have my son back?”

I opened my arms to take Draco but Harry spun him away from me with a smirk “Not so fast”

“Harold, stop kidding around”

He laughed “No, I’m taking care of Draco tonight, you are going to have dinner with friends where you don’t have to worry about him, it’s only for an hour at the least, have some fun”

I opened my mouth to protest when Draco smiled at me “Have fun Mama”

“And that’s an order” added Harry

I sighed “Fine, just be careful what you feed him, nothing to-“

“Nothing to hot, nothing in too many pieces, make sure he gets it in his mouth, he can’t throw food, he might not like what’s on the menu, give him a glass of water with a straw unless you have a bottle with you, keep him in the high chair and most importantly don’t let him choke” he said “I have taken care of kids before Riley”

“He has” said Liam slinging an arm around my shoulder and steering me towards the restaurant “He lives with Louis for Christ sake”

I laughed

“Uncle Hazza is going to just fine” he smiled pinching my cheek “But you don’t have to be a mum for tonight okay, you are only 19”

“I wish you were around 2 years ago” I muttered, stepping inside the small restaurant

“Were in the back” whispered Liam pointing towards the straw shutters hiding the entrance to a hallway


I headed towards the shutters and slipped through easily turning around only to jump back

“Niall!” I screamed at the blonde boy standing in the hallway with a smile “You scared me half to death!”

He laughed “That’s not a good thing”

“No it’s not, I die Harry gets stuck with the baby”

Niall’s eyes widened “Not a good move”

I sighed “You’re telling me”

Niall turned around and lead me to the open room at the end of the hall where Louis and Zayn were sitting mucking around with spoons

“Is everyone in your band a total kid?” I whispered

Niall bit his lip to keep a laugh in “I think it’s gotten worse since we’ve actually been around a kid”

 I smiled and went to sit down but Niall pulled me up

“Other side of the table”


He smirked “Harry’s orders, you sit next to me and away from the high chair”

I frowned and let Niall pull me to the other end of the table where I sat facing the high chair

Niall sat down on my right and Louis and Zayn where on my left

“We all ready?” asked Liam walking in with Harry behind him

“Yeah” smiled Louis “We got rid of the spoons for you too Liam”

I smiled and Liam blushed “Thanks guys”

Harry smiled at me from his seat at the other end of the table next to the high chair “Having fun down there?”

“Don’t even Start Styles”

“Ohhhh” muttered Zayn sitting back

“Come on Babe, it’s not like I’m telling you to go home and leave him with us for the night, you’re sitting at the other end of the table”

I bit my lip, He had a point

“And” Harry continued, sitting Draco down in the high chair he had dragged closer “He’s sitting next to Daddy Direction, does that make you feel any better?

“Slightly” I nodded as Liam smiled at me

“So now Daddy Direction has Hazza and Drake covered, we can get to know more about you” smiled Louis

Niall and I smiled, remembering our 20 questions in the car

“Daddy” giggled Draco, slapping his hands on the plastic of the high chair

Everyone looked at him

“Daddy” he giggled

“No Daddy Draco” I said softly

Harry gave me a sad look and turned to Drake “Buddy its Uncle Liam”

Draco stuck his hand out for Liam “Li, Li”

Liam smiled took his hand before Draco settled back in the chair and fiddled with the plastic fork in front of him

“So” said Louis, drawing attention away from the mistaken words of the 2 year old “Riley you’re how old?”

“19” I said

“Made you 17 when you had Drake right?” asked Zayn


We ordered our drinks and Louis proceeded with his questions

“Do you work?”

I shook my head “I’m training to be a nurse so I do an internship at St Ann’s in town, I got transferred from the hospital back home”

“Cool” smiled Zayn

“So you know a lot about medical stuff” said Niall

“As much as I can know to be a Nurse” I nodded

“Are you allowed to treat people?” asked Liam

“I can treat minor injuries, do stitching on small wounds, help people with broken bones, make-shift slings, treat people for things like heat-stroke or whatever but I can only do so much for people with serious problems before I have to call the hospital”

“So if I was to break my arm?” asked Louis

“I could make you a sling and tell you how bad it was broken before having to take you to get a proper cast or not”

“If I cut my hand open really deep?” asked Zayn

“I could clean it up and determine how many stitches you needed, but we’d have to go to the hospital because I wouldn’t stitch you up with any old needle and thread”

“It’s probably a good things you’re living in London now, Louis and Harry are always falling over somewhere” said Liam

“Hey!” pouted Louis

Zayn patted his head “It’s alright mate”

Lou rested his head on Zayn’s shoulder making us laugh

“You boys” I sighed

Niall smiled at me and shrugged “They love a laugh; you’ll get use to it”

I smiled back at him

Niall has a really nice smile

I bit my lip and focused on the conversation in front of me

Let’s hope I don’t think that again 

My Son and My Boy Band BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now