Chapter seven

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Hey, guys im in a car wash with my mom right now kinda scary lol....anyways about the story. its going to start getting good i guess i suck at writing so excuse my spelling errors and my grammar and if it does pull you into the story my bad...  ._. haha but yeah lets get to the story.(not edited )

Chapter seven

"Did you just push me? " i hiss getting up not making eye contact with shorty.

"Obviously, for a cute girl your not so bright. "he says smirking.

"You shouldn't have done that."i growl directing my eyes exactly on ben.

"Wha-what... "

His eyes widen at what i said, i then make my way towards him regaining my strength.. i punch him in the face.. he stumbles back into the wall ..i then quickly make a run for it.. but im grabbed by my ankle and pulled down.

Where the hell is the staff or nurses or doctors i need assistance.

"You cant leave. "ben says climbing on top of me ..i look up to see him smiling but not a normal smile his teeth was razor sharp his eyes become red with blood running down his face.

Oh heck no..

"Get off! "

I bring my feet to my chest then lauch them forward sending ben flying into a wall, i then notice he is unconscious. Sheesh am i really that strong? But then i rush into the bathroom to change my clothes.

Speaking of clothes, i was gonna run out of here in a robe the one with your butt out embarrassing.. wait did ben see my butt?... Off track off track .I then finish and book it to my house track &field has really paid off.

"I gotta get there before my family is hurt."i start hyperventilating.

My house is in sight, just alil farther im gonna make it im gonna make. i repeat constantly in my head.

"Mom! .... dad!...Marcus!"i scream nearing the house. .

I finally get to my house i pause immediately at the door fearing opening the door, what will i see?

i cant be afraid ..i have to be brave for my family.

I bust in my house to see everything is a wreck, i start getting angry...and  tears instantly fall down my cheeks  as i seen our family picture shattered.

"Mom!" i shouted in a shaky voice.

No answer.


Again no answer. i begin to worry i rush to the kitchen and look for my mom and dad.. i then see nobody is there.


I then hear a THUD i then quickly run upstairs to see a-a trail of blood leading to my mom and dads room... oh my goodness... I then slowly approach the doorway.. to turn my head to see the most horrific sight i have ever seen.

"Ohh-My. "i say covering my mouth and nose because of stench.

I came to see my mother in bed... laying in a pool of blood.. her face had a carved smile, and her intestines were wrapped around her neck and hands i then drop to my knees at the sight of my mom dead. i burst out in tears.

"Do you like my art? "a deep voice says from behind me.

"Wha-what?." I then turn to see none other than jeff up against the doorway with a ugly grin on his face.

"What did you do!?  where is my brother and father?"

"I dont know. "

"Your lying! "

"I really dont know. " he hissed.

"Why are you hurting my loved ones?"

"Why not?"

"Why did you pick me?  out of anyone else in the world why me jeff."i say looking at him in disgust.

"That's not any of your concern. "he snaps back.

I stand up, and slowly walk to him.. we are now  face to chest he is taller than me but im looking up to him.  For some reason im no longer afraid of what he might do.

"How is this not my concern, you make no sense you killed two of my family members! "

"So what?"

"Im gonna.."

"Gonna what kylie?"he gets closer to where there is not space between us.

I ball my fist up still looking at him and suddenly Bang I punched him in the face.he stumbles back holding his mouth.

"You have no right to do what you do!"i walk to him as he backs away.

"How dare you?"he says walking backwards.

"You dont have any right to kill anyone and mutilate someone elses face you f*cking asshole! "

He then stands still.

"Umm excuse me you mean beautified someones face."he chuckles.

"You think your face is beautiful? "

"Yeah, you normals faces are hideous. " he laughs

I run to him to punch him again but-but he catches my fist like what.

"Let me go!"i try pulling free.

He pulls me in with him, and embraces me. Im speechless then he then whispers.

"I want you to be mine."he whispers in my ear.

What ,does he think this is... He just killed my mom! Is he on the molly?

"Kylie im sorry. "he whispers again.

"Let... Me..Go."i try pulling away but he is very strong.Then i kick him in the leg and he screams in pain and we fall hard onto the floor. I then bang my head on the floor and begin feeling dizzy.

"Kylie why do you hate me so much?"i hear in a muffled voice.

"You-You ruined my life." i say going into a daze.

I then see jeff becoming a silhouetted figure above me,then i feel warm matalic lips crash into mines it..felt amazing.

I then start feeling a warm liquid under my head.


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