Chapter twentythree

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Chapter twenty three (not edited)

Ben lays Kylie down on the couch. Then he runs to get slender man. Danelle then walks in and notices Kylie going in and out of consciousness.

"Kylie if you can hear me,I love you and I know we have been through a lot but this past month but I forgive you." She Neels down next to her.

"What? Danny." She whispers.

Danelle's p.o.v

"I forgive you and I'm sorry for anything I've said and done."

"Apology accepted." She closes her eyes.


"She needs to rest." Slender man says walking up from behind.

"Will she be okay?"

"I will try my best to treat her but the best thing for her is rest." Slender man says opening this dusty creepy book.

I walk away and up the stairs to Ben's room.

"Hey Ben what happened to Kylie?"

"I don't know I found her in the woods struggling to move."Ben says putting his things away.

"Ohh,so Ben do you feel something for Kylie just random question?"

"No she is just a friend."

"Okay,I'm just asking."Danelle says crossing her arms.


Kylie's p.o.v

"You should be feeling better now Kylie."

"Where is Jeff?"I raise my head. And my memory starts flooding back Jeff tried to end me. But why?

"He went out,but I must go to my study..oh yes I almost forgot your brothers transformation was successful and he should be fully recovered by tomorrow."

"That's good."

Slenderman teleports

"Wherever Jeff is I'm gonna find him and I will kill him for good, I knew he was no good for me why did I even try." I say to my self.

"You do it because you know deep down inside you love him but you constantly try pushing away your feelings for him." A voice rings in my ears I turn around to see ticci Toby another one of my creepy pasta crushes.

But that is besides the point!

"No I don't ,love him he means nothing to me." I growl.

"*sigh* excuse what's your name I didn't quite get it.


"So Kylie ,are you sure you feel nothing for him?" Toby puts his hand on my shoulder. I melt just alike inside.

"I don't know anymore but what would you do if you were in my position?"

Toby kneels down next to me. "Trust in my heart." He then leaves.

Trust in my heart? But I don't agree with my heart it always leads me in the wrong direction.

I then stand up feeling a lil woozy ,from not being on my feet in a while and I stumble and fall flat on my face.


I soon pick my head up to meet with a pair of shoes in front of my face."huh?" I look up to see my worst nightmare. The - the clown.

"O-omg!" I crawl backwards bumping into almost everything. "Happy place happy place." I repeat over and over in the fiddle position.

"Why are you so afraid?"a soft voice asks.

"Huh?" I refuse to lift my head up and open my eyes.

"I did nothing to you ,why be so afraid?" He asks again.

"I just hate clowns always will ,they are creepy not funny there absolutely nothing funny about you or any other of your clown family members. I have more hatred for you then fear.

"I understand."

"No I don't care if you don't understand!- wait huh?" I'm so clueless right now. But I dare not open my eyes.

"I understand that your fear has gone throught great lengths to keep you afraid of clowns and never get over fear." His foots steps start getting closer. I feel them.

"Don't get any closer to me or I'll-"

"It's okay only thing you have to fear is fear it's self." He says walking away I'm guessing I barely hear his foots steps. I guess it's clear for me to pick my head back up.

"Phew he is gone." But what did he mean only thing I have to fear is fear it's self?

I soon go upstairs, to jacks room.

Jack opens his door."yes?"

"Where is Jeffery?"

"I don't know." He tries shutting his door but I stick my foot in before he could."I suggest you move your foot before you lose it." He hissed.

"How about you open up your door I have a few questions to ask you."I stare right into his dark holes in his mask.


He lets me in and his room reeks of alcohol and cigarettes.

"It stinks in here." I cover my nose.

"Did you just come,here to criticize my room?"

"No I'm here, to figure out what happened after Jeff slit my throat."


"Tell me now." I grab his collar.

"He held you in his arms and started crying at what he did his insane feelings took over and he just snapped."


"He was so upset with what he did he screamed on me and he picked you up bridal style and ran off into the woods."

"Ugh."I put my hands on my head.

"Thats all I know Kylie." Jack says plopping on his bed.

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