Chapter nine

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Its Friday... TGIF! but anyways i dont have school today parent teacher conference thank god. So im gonna try and write two chapters they might be short it all depends on how i feel. (short chapter )

(Not edited)

Chapter nine

Jeff's P.o.v

I return after, my killings to see kylie is no longer in bed. "Where is she?! "

i rush downstairs to see ben and danelle cleaning the house!  that was my art work they were messing up... whatever that is besides the point..

"Where is Kylie! " i shout startling them.

"Jeez you dont have to yell!"ben says covering his ears.

"She went out looking for her brother. "danelle says continuing to clean.

"You just let her go out in the middle of the night! with nobody assisting her. Are you mad!! "

Why is kylie so hardheaded why couldn't she just stay put dammit!  She could be anywhere right now and i know jane is after her she could be DEAD right now!! For all i know...

"Jeff. "a familiar voice calls out to me.i turn to see none other than E.j.

"Jack just the guy i need." i say walking up to him.

"What do you need? " he says calmly.

"I need you to find a girl, for me jane is after her she is most likely to be in the woods.. "

"Why do you want to help a normal?"jack asks.

"Does it matter just go! please your the best at tracking people down. "i ask him as he walks out the door.

"Okay whatever you say master. "jack says in a sarcastic voice.

I hope he isnt to late, to find her.

Danelle's p.o.v

After this masked man came in jeff begged for him to go out looking for kylie.. he must of really took a liking to the masked man called jack leaves jeff has nothing but worry in his eyes but then like that it turns into anger he the punches a hole in the wall.

"Jeff? are you alright? "i asked walking towards him slowly.

"Yes im fine. "he says looking down to the floor with his hair covering his face.

I reach to comfort him but he moves, and looks at me like he wants to kill me.

"Jeff ..kylie is going to fine. " i say watching him go lay on the couch.

"Hey umm jeff what did you do with kylies mom? "

i watch him direct his eyes to the ceiling as if he is thinking of a good lie to tell me.

"Jeff you know i can read body language dont you lie to me. "

"Im done danelle can i play the game now?! "ben asks wiping his face.

"Go ahead. " i sigh then look back at jeffery.

"I killed her. " jeff shrugs and resets his hands behind his head.

"I know that!  what did you do with her body you dingus. "

I then sit on the otherside of the couch than jeff.

"I buried her ."he says closing his eyes.

"Where! "

"None of your business roach!"jeff yells then to make things worse he kicks me off the couch.

"Ooff." i fall flat on my face.

"Hahaha! that's what you get for bothering me." jeff says with a smug smile creeping on his ugly face.

"Your a jerk you know that right? "

"Your a jerk you know that right." jeff mokes me.

"I love kylie and i wanna be with her forever. " i chime

"I love kylie... wait a min im not saying that! " he says in defense.

"You need to get beat up you know that right. " i say getting up and dusting myself off.

"You need to go home!  you pest."he snaps back.

Speaking of home i need to tell my dad where i am i haven't spoke to him all day. He is probably worried sick. I then walk over to the kitchen coner to where my phone is.

"Well i love you too."i cross my arms.

"Blah blah blah, i dont wanna hear it."jeff says getting up following me into the kitchen.

"You are something else jeff."i dial the my dads number.




It immediately goes to voicemail that's weird my dad never ignores my calls. He also calls me everytime im out i have no calls from him... he must be working late or something.

"I wonder where my dad is? "

"I wonder as well." jeff says going through the cabinets .

"What is that suppose to mean? "i ask pushing him into the counter.

"You lil -." he gets cut off by jack walking in with kylie over his shoulder.

"So jack gonna put me down?" kylie asks jack as he then puts her down gently.

"Thanks. " kylie says limping to the couch.

"Kylie what happened? "jeff growls then he see's her stab wound "Jack what did you do?! "he runs up to jack with a knife to his neck.

"Calm down,i didn't do it jane did but i took care of her." he says with no emotion in his voice.

I run over to kylie to tend to her wound "You lost alot of blood kylie."i say wrapping her leg then looking up to see her asleep. I guess i was talking to myself. Kylie you do need to rest up you had a hard day.

"Jeff can you bring her to her room?"

I then walk upstairs to see ben playing the game his eyes glued to the screen. He is playing this game called Majora's Mask i heard about that  ..he so called drowned trying to save zelda.Now he is a proxy.

"Hello what are you staring at? " ben says now standing in front of me.

"Ohh,sorry i lost my train of thought i was just thinking. "

"Ohh, well danelle i wanna thank you for patching me up i feel way better than before. " he says rubbing the back if his head.

"Your welcome... kylie can be quiet violent. "i chuckle.

"I see... she beat the sh*t out of me! "he says flaying his arms.

"Haha, your funny."i say hugging him.

"And your cute. " he says hugging me back.

I start blushing like crazy, and after i pull away from the hug our eyes meet. My brown eyes met with his big blue eyes that sparkled he is so cute.. i then see him turning red in the face..Then our lips smash together and i feel like im swoaring in air.

"Ooooo,ben likes roach. " jeff chimed carrying kylie bridal style.

"Ahh,shut up shut up !"ben says pulling his hat down over his eyes.

Awh,everything about him is adorable he so short, and just captivating.

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