Chapter twentyeight

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I wake up in a daze, "my f*ckin head is slamming." I thought i pull my head up with as much will power as possible i see I'm in Jeff's room. "What the hell happened?"

"I see your awake." I look over to the door way and i see Danelle."Danny!" I try getting up but i struggle. Im in intense pain right now it feels like i got hit by a truck.

"You should rest,i seen what happened with you and jane." Danny walks and sits on the bed next to me. "Im worried for you." She looks me straight into my eyes with all sincerity in her tone. "Why are you worried I'm fine and i can handle anyone." I snap causing her to jump.

I realize i scare her."I don't want you to be afraid danny."

"Well ,Kylie your getting worse and worse by the day its not good slender told me to notify you that you aren't a Creepypasta your a malfested."she sighs.

What the f*ck is a malfested?

"Huh what is a malfested ?"

"Malfested is when you cannot control your demon entity inside of your soul." Tears fall down her face. I never wanted it to be like this.

"No i can control it i promise!" I sit up.

"No! No you cant Kylie you turn into a whole different person when that demon comes out! That demon is not gonna stop till your fully gone Kylie then you will not be able to stay here anymore." Tears now flooding down her face.

She gets up to walk out.

"Danelle, please i can try to control it i don't want to lose my best friend i lost everyone in my life but you and Marcus i just cant live without you two i need you!"

"I dont know how your gonna stop it from spreading but you better try." She leaves.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!"my malfested voice comes out. I shoot straight up and punch a big hole in Jeff's wall.

What am i gonna do?

Danelle's p.o.v

It hurt so bad to say that to Kylie we have been best friends forever. Now its all ending our lives just crashed and their is noway of them ever getting fixed.

Im listening to her scream and break stuff. Im so sorry for making her feel that way but she could seriously hurt someone.

Im snapped out my thoughts when Jeff comes in the house. I lean over the banister looking down to him."Hey ,you missed a show." I say smugly. Then he soon jets upstairs to me. "Is Kylie okay? What happened?!" Jeff panics i never seen this side of him interesting.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!"Kylie screams in her malfested voice. Jeff speeds upstairs i quickly stop him from going in after her."Move out the damn way!" No, leave her be she needs time to recuperate." Jeff drops down to the floor and sits there next to the door." Will she be okay?"Jeff asks. "I hope so." I walk to my room and shut the door.

Kylie's p.o.v

F*ck! I hate Jeff, i hate my life i hate everyone! Im stuck like this forever and i cant do anything about it! *starts crying*

"I-im stuck in a rut, w-what am i gonna do?" I pace back and forth thinking hard about the situation.

"Kylie can i come in?" Is that Jeff?! I run to the door to open it. Jeff embraces me at the sight of me."Im worried about you Kylie." He holds me tight. I hate Jeff but i cant help but love him its so confusing i don't know what i want what i'll be? I just don't know anymore.

"I love you." Jeff grabs my face and pulls me into a passionate kiss. I kiss back. I feel back to my normal self when he kisses me.

I pull away."Jeff i don't wanna hurt you." I bury my face in his chest." Kylie you wont hurt me."


Jack's p.o.v

Its over finally, for now Kylie's violence everything i cherished about her is gone. What is gonna happen to her I'm worried.

I leave my room, and as I'm walking in the hallway i walk past Jeff's room to see Kylie crying balled up in the bed.

I feel so bad for her and her problem , this would have never happened if Jeff wasn't in the picture.

"Jack, shut up!" Kylie shouts holding her head my eyes widen."I didn't say anything."

"I can hear your thoughts, So just shut up about the situation NOW!" She screams in a demonic voice.

K-Kylie what has become of you, What has Jeff done?

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