GL: Part Nine

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Mabel's thoughts churned as she ran beside Dipper. All she had wanted was information, all she had wanted was to summon someone that might know something, and now she had a full-blown haunting on her hands. Stupid Dream Hipster!

His teenager disguise was even cute.

Mabel pushed that thought out of her mind as Dipper grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall. "Where — where are we going?" she panted.

"Away from the party," Dipper said. "We can't let the ghost ruin it!"

Of course Dipper was thinking about his party.

Now, Mabel, she chided herself. That's not exactly fair. If you had just shown up like you were supposed to, you wouldn't even be in this situation.

"Dipper," she said between breaths. "Dipper, I'm sorry. I thought-since Ford was gone — and now—"

"Shh," Dipper said as they rounded another corner. He stopped and flattened himself against the wall.


He shushed her again. Why was he—?

"Oh, children," came a rough, sing-songy voice. "I know you're here."

Oh. Right. The ghost. That she had unleashed on the Mystery Museum.

Dipper edged down the hallway and pulled open a door, motioning for Mabel to join him inside. She obeyed and found herself in a small closet, with Dipper shutting them in.

"Do you really think hiding is the best idea?" she breathed in his ear.

"I don't know," Dipper replied. "I'm just playing by ear. Can he really hurt us? I mean, he is a ghost."

"I can't hurt you directly," someone whispered. "But I wouldn't take comfort from that."

Mabel and Dipper screamed as the Dream Hipster appeared right next to them.

The Hipster laughed at their fear and started bumping things around in the closet. A stack of board games fell on top of Mabel, and she cried out and fell to the ground, clutching her head. The boxes bounced off her shoulders, all corners and stiff cardboard.

"Mabel!" Dipper shouted.

"Dipper! Get the door!"

Dipper turned the knob and shoved the closet door open. The board games toppled out into the hall as Dipper pulled Mabel to her feet. The two started running again.

"I don't know why you run," came the Hipster's voice behind them. Then he appeared in front of them, cutting off their escape from the hallway. "I'm everywhere."

"This way," Mabel said, grabbing Dipper's hand and turning away from the ghost.

"Wait!" Dipper said, resisting her pull. "We can't go that way. That's the party!"

"A party, huh?" said the Hipster, this time appearing on Dipper's left. Dipper immediately threw a punch at him, but he disappeared and reappeared on the other side of Mabel. "Hey, what did the cabbage say to its friend? I don't always turnip at parties, but when I do, I'm the radish one there!"

Mabel stared at the Hipster. Was that a. . . pun?

"Looks I'm needed elsewhere!" the ghost said.

"No!" Dipper shouted. He lunged across Mabel, trying to get to the ghost, but the Hipster drifted away from him and started floating down the hall. Mabel and Dipper ran after him.

"Stop right there!" a voice yelled.

Mabel and Dipper stopped and whirled around. The ghost vanished.

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