OCE: Part Nine

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The next few days were spent preparing to go retrieve the first Journal. While Melody and Robbie ran the Mystery Museum, Ford and the twins holed up in the lab, practicing with their weapons and making plans. Mostly, Ford had the twins practice accuracy with the stun guns — and the grappling hook. Mabel insisted Dipper work with the grappling hook too, since he'd had it during the rescue. He was fine with that — he liked the feeling of the grappling hook kicking against him as he fired — but he wished Mabel was more confident with it.

Well, at least she wasn't giving it to Dipper entirely.

Ford set up some targets for them to practice on across the lab. They weren't regular targets, like hunters would use for deer or elk. These targets were shaped like monsters, mythical creatures, and — to Mabel's horror — people.

"Well, we are going to be using these stun guns on people," Ford pointed out. "Plus, I made these targets back when Stan, Fidds, and I were monster hunting, and some of the creatures we came up against were humanoid."

Along with the stun guns, Ford and Dipper found some other gadgets to induce unconsciousness. One of them was a little patch that sent some type of anesthesia seeping down through the skin. "We used to use those when we were in too close of a range to use the stun guns. Rare, but very helpful if something nasty has you in its clutches. Careful, kids — don't accidentally put them on yourselves."

As soon as Ford said that, Mabel wanted to stay far away from the knockout patches. Dipper, however, liked the idea.

"There's a risk, Mabes, but you have to unwrap them before you can use them, so you'll be fine. If some Order member has you captive, you'll want one of these."

"What if I can't unwrap it?" Mabel asked. "What if I can't even get it out of my pocket?"

"Okay, sure," Dipper said. "But what if you can?"

So Mabel took some. She kept them at arm's length, but she took them. Dipper was more relieved than he wanted to admit. Anything that helped keep Mabel safe was a good thing.

Then one morning, just as the twins were about to follow Ford back to the lab, Robbie came bursting through the Employees Only door.

"I got it," he said. "I got the passcode."

"Excellent!" Ford said. "What is it?"

Robbie stepped into the living room, the door closing behind him. "Five two eight four nine one."

Ford ducked back into the kitchen and returned with a pen. Quickly, he scrawled the numbers on his hand.

"Woah," Dipper said, "Mom always gets mad at me for doing that. You can do things like that when you're an adult?"

"You can do all sorts of things when you're an adult," Ford replied. "Including infiltrate a cult for your Journal. Good work, Robbie."

"No problem, Mr. Pines. My parents now think I'm actually interested in their dumb group, but I can deal." Robbie frowned. "Um. . . when you go down there. . . and if they're down there. . . don't hurt them, okay?"

Ford put a hand on Robbie's shoulder. "Don't worry, we're not planning on hurting anyone."

"Yeah," Dipper said, "we have stun guns. They're pretty cool."

Robbie raised an eyebrow. "Do those have any side effects?"

"They were developed thirty years ago by my assistant, so I don't know much about their infrastructure. But I don't believe they do, no. But maybe try to keep your parents home tonight."

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