BB: Part One

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It was snowing by the time Gideon Northwest left the town of Gravity Rises to return to his mansion. Lazy, fat flakes drifted down from the white sky onto the white ground. Gideon looked up at the sky, whose blanket of clouds mirrored the blankets of snow, and wondered if the snowflakes' new home was any better than the one they had left. And then he stepped on them.

To the world, he looked unconcerned and even relaxed, strolling down the winding path that led to his home. But he was far from relaxed in his mind. Sluggish thoughts tried in vain to analyze his experiences from the past night. He'd been up all night, searching the town of Gravity Rises, breaking into buildings and sneaking into homes, combing the town for someone who, just weeks ago, had been the easiest person in the town to find.

The chill of the morning snuck through the threads in his gloves. Gideon rubbed his fingers together and sighed.

I'm trying to find you, Pacifica. I can only hope that you want to be found.

There was a part of him that refused to believe she had left on her own will. Pacifica Pleasure was a variable in any equation, and a dangerous one at that. But she and Gideon were friends, however loosely they regarded the term. They had worked together, solved mysteries together, and even switched bodies once. Gideon tried not to let himself become attached to anyone, but the thought of Pacifica disappearing without so much as a goodbye still hurt him. But then, her mind had been so broken. . .

No. She had to have some level of loyalty towards him. He'd much rather believe someone took her.

So he searched the town.

But now it was morning, and he had to leave the unsuspecting people whose property he had been trespassing on just hours before. The town was waking up, but Gideon felt the fatigue settling on his mind and wished for sleep.

He reached the tall, imposing gate that guarded the grounds of the Northwest Manor. He studied the gate for a moment, debating whether he should just flare up his amulet and leap over the gilded wood. He could not see anyone around to witness it.

His eyes trailed above the gate to the spires of the Northwest Manor. No, there was a witness. His father would see.

Gideon stepped up to the side of the gate and pressed the button to alert the help he was home. The little camera above the button sprang to life, looking Gideon up and down. "Ah, Master Northwest," said a tinny voice through the speaker. "Welcome home."

The gate swung open.

Gideon took his time walking through the courtyard, gazing at the frozen fountains and delicate ice sculptures. The cold of the morning rested on the outside of his layers of clothing; there was no wind, making the chilly air bearable. Still, he could not delay going inside forever. He soon found himself on the steps of the manor.

A manservant opened the door for him and gave a little bow. Gideon walked past, suppressing a yawn, hoping he could make it up to his room unscathed.

He shouldn't have hoped. His father was standing at the base of the stairs, easily visible from the front door.

"Father," Gideon said cordially.

"Gideon," Gaston Northwest replied. "You have been gone for some time."

The words reminded Gideon just how tired he was. "Yes, I was doing some research."

In times past, this would've been an acceptable excuse. Gideon was encouraged in his aloof, curious tendencies when it meant he was discovering new things about the amulet, the Order, or the town of Gravity Rises. But now, he knew his father suspected what he was really doing.

"What kind of research?" Gaston asked in a tone that suggested he already knew the answer.

Gideon closed his eyes. Lying would only make things worse. He was already so tired. . . He forced himself to meet his father's gaze. "I was looking for Pacifica."

Gaston did not outwardly react, save for a curt nod. "You must cease this vain searching. You are neglecting your other duties, even at the Order."

Gideon mentally winced. He knew the news of his missing a memory session would reach his father.

"It won't happen again," he promised. "But I need to find her, Father."

"Why?" Gaston asked. "Because you're worried about her?"

That was exactly it. But it was not a valid excuse, not in the Northwest family. "She disappeared without a trace, her parents too, after losing her mind. She's an unpredictable variable. We need to find her and keep tabs on her lest she do something that causes a problem for us."

Gaston gazed down at him.

"I also have been researching the amulets," Gideon continued. "I need to be able to study Pacifica to find out if I'm in danger of the same effects, should I lose my amulet."

"You've told me yourself that the Pleasure girl was not careful with her powers," Gaston said. "I don't see you losing your wits without them. We also both know neither of these reasons are the true one behind you spending so much time trying to find Pacifica."

Gideon braced himself to lose the argument.


Gideon looked up.

"They are still good reasons," Gaston said, "and I would like to let you use your free time as you see fit. You may continue your search, so long as it does not get in the way of your other responsibilities."

Gideon held in a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Father."

"Or in the way of your sleep," Gaston continued with a frown. "You look terrible. Did you sleep at all last night?"

Gideon shook his head.

Gaston's eyes narrowed. "I have half a mind to make you come recite to me the Northwest family tree to teach you not to come home tired." He sighed. "Go and get some sleep."

Gideon hurried up the stairs as fast as he could without losing his composure. "Thank you, Father," he repeated. He turned the corner, glanced around to make sure he was alone, and ran down the hall to his room.

He flopped on his bed without bothering to change or pull back the covers. He barely had time to be relieved about his father giving him permission to continue his search. His eyes closed, and his mind shut down. One final thought ambled across his brain before he lost consciousness.

I'm going to find you, Pacifica.

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