ST: Part Eleven

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Nobody said anything until they were on the road.

Dipper and Mabel were in the backseat of Robbie's truck. Dipper had an arm around Mabel, who was fighting to keep her eyes open. Robbie, still pale-faced, pulled out of the theater parking lot and started towards the Museum.

"What. . . happened?" he asked quietly.

Dipper looked at Mabel. "Do you want to tell him, or should I?"

"Possessed," she murmured. "I got. . . possessed." That seemed to be all the strength she had to speak.

"Possessed? Like in horror movies?"

Dipper leaned his head against the back window. "Yeah. She got possessed by a demon, who destroyed the laptop and tried to destroy the Journal. But it's not her fault. He tricked her."

"It — " Mabel cut in. "It was my fault. I was. . . obsessed. . . I should've slept more. . . I shouldn't have listened. . ."

Dipper shushed her gently. "It's okay, Mabes, it's not your fault. You're okay. Just relax."

"Are you sure she should be going to the Museum?" Robbie asked. "Shouldn't we get her to a hospital?"

Dipper shook his head. "Ford. She needs to get to Ford. He might know something about possessions. If Mabel falls asleep. . . the demon might come back. We need to know she's safe."

They reached the Museum. Thank goodness this town was so small. Dipper helped Mabel back into Robbie's arms, then ran inside.

"Ford! Ford!"

"Woah, Dipper." Melody came around a corner, looking alarmed. "What is it? Why are you home early?"

"I need Ford."

"Ford is still sick — "

"I need Ford, now!" Dipper shouted. Then he swallowed back his outburst. "It's Mabel. She's hurt."

Melody's eyes widened, and she turned and ran to Ford's room.

Minutes later — but still too long — Mabel was lying on the couch with Ford and Melody bending over her. Robbie and Dipper stood to the side, with Robbie massaging Dipper's shoulders to keep him from running up and getting in the way.

"Nothing is broken," Ford declared. "Just bruised. You're going to be okay, Mabel."

"C-can I sleep?" she whispered.

"Of course you can sleep."

"N-no," she said, shaking her head weakly. "Can I sleep?"

Ford frowned and looked at Dipper. "I don't understand."

"Bill," Dipper blurted. "It was Bill. Bill Cipher. She got possessed by Bill Cipher."

Ford's entire body went rigid.

"What. . ." His voice was almost inaudible. "What did you say?"

"Bill Cipher," Mabel repeated. "Do you. . . know him?"

Ford sat down hard on the couch next to Mabel and put a hand to his forehead. There was a long, long silence.

Finally, Ford whispered, "He's back?"

"This is the second time we've met him," Dipper said. "The first was in Robbie's mind — "

"Wait, what?" said Robbie.

" — and then today, when he possessed Mabel."

Mabel reached out her hand for Ford, but he was too far away from her. "Grunkle Ford. . ." A tear slid down her face. "Grunkle Ford, he destroyed the laptop. I'm sorry."

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