NMS: Part Five

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This was stupid.

Gideon and Mabel tore down the halls of the Northwest Manor, weaving around tight corners and plunging deeper into the maze of Gideon's home. Gideon knew he'd be able to find his way around when he needed to, but for now they had only one objective: Get away from the ghost.

This was stupid. Of course Mabel would want to talk to them! She'd probably never even dealt with a rampaging ghost bent on destroying everything. Had she ever met any ghosts at all? Just because someone was interested in something didn't mean they had any experience with it. So why would he be so stupid as to assume she could help him?

He should just send her home.

Something rattled behind them. Right. After they lost this ghost.

They skidded around a suit of armor that hung from its supports like a dejected puppet. Okay, Gideon knew where they were. There were some stairs near here, just past that big display case, maybe they could —

Mabel dug her heels in.

The sudden stop yanked on Gideon's arm, throwing him off balance. He pulled his hand away from Mabel's. "What are you doing?" he demanded, massaging his arm.

She stared back at him defiantly. "We're going to talk to it."

Stupid, stupid.

"I already told you, it wants me dead. What more do you need to ask it?!"

"Maybe we can reason with it!"

"Do you want it to kill me, Pines?"

"Do you really want to ask me that question?" she shot back.


"Listen," Gideon tried, "some beings can't be reasoned with."

"Do you think I don't know that?" Mabel demanded. "You're not the only one who's come up against creatures like this!"

"Well, you clearly don't have the experience I thought you did if you think the best way to stop a rampaging ghost is to talk to it!"

Mabel went quiet. The color seeped away from her face.

"What?" Gideon looked around for signs of the ghost. Nothing. What was wrong?

He looked back at Mabel. She was staring intently at the floor.

"Mabel? What is it?"

She didn't say anything.

What was with her? They didn't have time for this.

"Mabel, we've got to go," he said gently.

"Maybe it's scared."

Her voice was cracked and quiet. Her eyes never left the carpet patterns on the floor.

"What do you mean?"

She wouldn't continue.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. You got yourself into this mess, Northwest.

"Listen, Mabel. We're not talking to the ghost. And if I have to levitate you with my amulet to stop you, I will."

Her head snapped up, and she stared at him with wide eyes. He flinched a little when he saw that they were wet. "You wouldn't dare," she whispered. She sounded horrified.

"I would if it meant saving your life."

"Saving your life."

"Mabel, come on; let's just go!"

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