ST: Part Ten

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Dipper's world had turned over and fallen apart at the seams all in the span of thirty seconds. But if Mabel could be brave about it, then he could be too.

He clutched the Journal to his chest as he and Mabel listened to Bill make his way up the stairs. Each slow, deliberate step shook the air. Dipper's mind raced with options, but there didn't seem to be many. Jump down from the spots into the house and probably break his leg. Jump down from the stairs and probably break his leg. Fight Bill and probably break Mabel's leg. None of them sounded good.

Before Dipper's mind could land on a good solution, Bill was at the top of the stairs.

Except it wasn't Bill. It was Mabel. Mabel, dressed all in black, her hair loose from her headband and curling around her face and shoulders. Mabel, with slitted, bright yellow eyes.

"I'm here!" Bill-Mabel announced. It was Mabel's voice — Mabel's voice, but layered like Bill's.

She — he, this wasn't Dipper's sister, not really — stepped into the spotlight alcove and did a little twirl. "Do you like it? I wanted to dress the part. You know, of the backstage people. Plus, I think I look good in black, don't you? It accents my eyes."

"I think I'm gonna be sick," said Mabel.

Bill-Mabel's eyes saw her and lit up. "Pine Tree! How clever of you! I love birds. It's so easy to snap their tiny little necks."

Dipper took a protective step in front of his sister.

Bill-Mabel laughed. "You're so endearing, Shooting Star. It's too bad you're not surprised to see me, though. Little Pine Tree ruined it, didn't she? Oh well. I do look like her, don't I? Do you think you would've been fooled?"

"No," Dipper said. "You're not my sister. You're Bill-Mabel."

His eyes narrowed. "MaBill."

Bill-Mabel shrugged. "I prefer Babel." He took a step forward. "Now, if you'll excuse me, you have something I need."

Dipper hugged the Journal tighter.

Babel snapped his fingers. "Yes, that! Just give it here, I'll destroy it, and then I'll leave your sister's body. How's that for a deal?"

"No!" Mabel shouted.

Babel turned his creepy eyes to her. "Your voice is adorable."

"That's it!" Dipper set the Journal onto the ledge next to the chandelier and rushed for Babel. He grabbed his arms and slammed him against the wall, glaring straight into his yellow eyes. "Nobody calls my sister adorable but me."

Babel laughed in his face. "Oh, yes! Oh, do it again, that was wonderful!"

"Dipper, he likes pain! D-don't hurt me!"

Dipper's heart sped up as he realized what he'd done. Everything he did to Babel. . . he was doing to Mabel's body. He couldn't hurt Bill without hurting Mabel.

Suddenly it was rather hard to breathe.

"Realized your dilemma yet?" Babel asked. He twisted and slipped out of Dipper's grasp. Dipper lunged for him, but he danced away across the alcove. "Come get me, Shooting Star."

Dipper saw red. He rushed forward.

Babel dodged him and ran past. By the time Dipper skidded to a stop and turned around, Babel was reaching for the Journal. Mabel hopped over it and reached for Babel's hands with her beak. Babel laughed and turned away from the Journal, instead trying to grasp Mabel with his other hand. "C'mere, little birdie! Let me get my hands around that neck of yours!" Mabel flapped wildly away from him.

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