OCE: Part Eight

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Mabel still didn't know if she could handle going back to the Order headquarters.

Ford told her it was okay, that she should wait until tomorrow to decide. Mabel appreciated that, and knew she needed that time — but it was also just more time to agonize over it all. She sort of wished the decision was just over with so she didn't have to stress about it anymore.

The three Pines stayed up in the attic for a long while. Mabel felt safe in Ford's arms. Maybe. . . maybe it would be okay, since he would be there. Dipper, too. They could protect her, right?

After the Museum closed, Melody came up and stuck her head in. "Oh, there you all are," she said. "I've been looking for you, and I thought maybe you'd gone off to get the Journal without even telling me!"

"Nope, just snuggling," Dipper said happily. He'd come and wormed his way into the embrace as well, and he and Mabel were comfortably smushed up next to each other.

Melody looked them over like a proud mother. "How sweet," she said. Usually Mabel heard that phrase used solely in sarcasm, but from Melody, it sounded authentic. "I'm going to go get dinner ready, so it'll probably be about twenty, thirty minutes. Do you want me to come up and get you?"

"Maybe," Ford said. "I think we'll be down, though."

Mabel had honestly forgotten about dinner. She was ready to just fall asleep in Ford's arms. But once Melody brought it up, she realized she was pretty hungry.

Eventually, Ford disentangled himself from the twins, and they set off downstairs to have dinner. Melody presented them with a wonderful soup she'd put in a crockpot that morning, and it smelled delectable.

"So what did y'all plan?" Melody asked after they started eating.

"Not much," Ford said. "We got. . . sidetracked."

Dipper rolled his eyes. "That's an understatement. Ford was being a jerk. But it's okay, we're good now."

Ford pursed his lips, though Mabel thought she saw him suppress a smile. "Yes, thank you, Dipper. Anyway," he said, preventing any further questions from Melody, "we've tentatively decided on who's going, at least."

"That was what Ford was being a jerk over," Dipper added helpfully.

Ford pressed on. "I'm definitely going," he said, "and Mabel is deciding. And Dipper. . ." He frowned. "Dipper, are you coming whether or not Mabel is?"

"Yeah," Dipper said. "I don't like the idea of being in Pacifica's home base either, but somebody's gotta watch out for you."

Ford rolled his eyes, but this time let his smile through. "Well, thank you," he said. He sipped a spoonful of soup and then looked to Melody. "I suppose we've been assuming you wouldn't be a part of the team. Hopefully that's all right."

"Oh, trust me," she said, "I have no problems being left out of this one. I'll be a mess of anxiety while you're gone, but. . . well, I got in the way with Mabel's rescue more than I helped."

"What?" Dipper said. "No you didn't!"

Melody gave him a knowing smile. "I appreciate your loyalty," she said, "but I'm pretty sure I did."

"I mean," Mabel said quietly. They all looked to her. Oh. She hadn't meant to draw everyone's attention. "Well, if I did go, and if something happened to us, at least Melody would still be here to run the Museum and organize a rescue, right?"

"If I had to organize a rescue, I would not be running the Museum," Melody said.

"Oh, so there are more important things?" Ford asked in mock surprise.

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