ST: Part Twelve

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Blind Lincoln had always found it fascinating how human eyes adjusted to darkness.

He lay there on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, which had a moment ago been pitch black. Now, however, he could pick out the textures and patterns in the wood. Turn off a light, and you were plunged into darkness, you were helpless. But not forever. Humans could learn.

Someone pounded on his door.

Lincoln sat up, his heart speeding up. Who would disturb him so suddenly this late at night?

Never mind. He threw off the covers and stood up, slipping his robes over his head as the knocking grew louder and faster. Lincoln crossed to the door.

He turned the knob and pulled the door open, fully prepared to give this intruder the brunt of his irritation. But he instantly stopped himself when he saw who was at the door.

Pacifica Pleasure stood in the hall. Tears streamed down her smooth face.

Lincoln knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder. "Pacifica! What's wrong?"

"Bill," she choked out.

Lincoln's expression hardened. He knew it. He knew this communication with Bill would lead to nothing good. Lifelong servant or not, if Bill harmed this poor girl—

"No," Pacifica said, reading Lincoln's face, "no, he didn't do anything to me — he was trying — to save me—"

"What do you need saving from?" Lincoln asked gently.

"Mabel, of course!" Pacifica sobbed. She grabbed Lincoln's robes in her fists and pushed them to her face, her shoulders heaving.

Lincoln sat there, completely at a loss.

After a minute, Pacifica pulled back and kept talking. Her voice shook. "He — he tried to kill her — he almost succeeded — but Dipper—"

She couldn't go on; she burst into tears again.

Lincoln fought with all his strength to be patient and wait for her to be ready to speak.

"Dipper stopped him," Pacifica whispered. "Bill — Bill was going to save me — and Dipper—"

She stared up at Blind Lincoln like she was waiting for him to say something.

Lincoln racked his brain. Dipper. . . Dipper was the one Pacifica was in love with, he believed. But she thought his sister Mabel had him under her spell. Yes, that was it.

"I. . .," Lincoln began. "I'm sorry, Pacifica."

It wasn't enough, he knew.

"Bill possessed Mabel today," Pacifica said, sniffling. "That's why I couldn't find him earlier. He was going to stop the Pines' terrible plans and then get rid of Mabel for me. But he — he failed. And now he's angry. So angry. . ."

"Did he do anything to you?" Blind Lincoln asked.

"N-no. But he sent me to get you. He — he wants to talk to you."

Blind Lincoln bit his cheek. Of course he did. Somehow this would be Lincoln's fault.

"Okay," he said gently. "I'll talk to him. But first, let me take me back to your room, all right?"

"N-no!" Pacifica cried out, clinging tighter to Lincoln's robes. "No — Mabel's there — she's laughing at me — she's going to hurt me — please, don't make me go back, please, she's too strong, even Bill can't fight her off, please — "

"All right, all right," Lincoln soothed. "You don't have to go back. But where will you go?"

Her wide eyes looked up into his. "Maybe. . . could I stay with you?"

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