NMS: Part Ten

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Pacifica felt a thrill of triumph as the Order members scattered to the exits of the party room, blocking them so Mabel couldn't escape. Mabel looked too stunned to move, and Gideon put himself between her and Pacifica. Foolish boy. Didn't he know that Mabel was just conning him? That his amulet would be futile against this many people?

Four of her lackeys moved to grab hold of Mabel and Gideon, and they snatched Gideon's amulet off his neck without Pacifica even having to instruct them to do so. Gideon struggled against his captors and tried to reach for the amulet, but they were too strong. Mabel, on the other hand, went limp in the grip of her two. Good. She knew she was beaten.

Gideon's parents started to protest the handling of their son, but Order members subdued them, too. Pacifica had no quarrels with them, or with Gideon. They just had to be kept out of the way while she dealt with Mabel.

Pacifica watched Gideon struggle as she started towards her prey. He might prove problematic, since he was under Mabel's spell. He thought he cared for her, but it was a delusion. Why was Pacifica the only one who could see that?

Well, Mabel would be dead by the time Gideon tried to rescue her. He'd be sad at first, but only until Mabel's brainwashing wore off him. Then he'd see sense and realize this was all for the best.

The prospect of finally ridding herself of Mabel's haunting put a spring in Pacifica's step as she approached the demon masquerading as a girl. "Well," she said, trying not to let her excitement ruin her imposing voice, "I never expected to come across such good fortune. Did you invite her here, Gideon? Are you finally seeing sense?"

Gideon gave a strong surge against his captors, but it didn't work. "I invited her to help me with the ghosts, but she was supposed to be gone hours ago. I was a fool for bringing her here on the day of the gala, even if it was meant to be over far earlier."

"I agree that you're a fool," Pacifica said, "although not for that reason. And you." She turned to Mabel. "You may have had great success in the past, but you couldn't avoid me forever."

She moved in closer so that she and Mabel were almost touching. "Your death will be sweet indeed."

"Pacifica," Gideon said, his voice placating, "she's not evil. Far from it. I spent hours trapped in a room with her today, and I've seen her when she's vulnerable, and there has been no proof whatsoever of your claim."

"Well," Pacifica replied, "she's vulnerable now, and I'll prove it to you. There's plenty of proof, you just haven't been able to find it."

"P-please," Mabel said, her voice trembling. With rage, probably. "I-I know we've been at odds before, but I'm not secretly evil, or whatever you think. I don't know why you couldn't read me or Dipper, and we were just trying to defend ourselves from you."

Pacifica gave her an endearing smile. "You don't have to keep up your façade here, Mabel. Everyone here knows who you really are. Although I suppose you're trying to keep Gideon under your spell. Persistent to the last, aren't you?"

"No!" Mabel said. "Do you really think I'd be able to keep up pretenses with everyone all the time?"

"Just in public," Pacifica said, malice coming into her voice. "I don't even want to think about what you do to Dipper in private."

"I don't do anything!"

"You'd say that. Well, maybe once we get back to Order headquarters, you'll drop the act."

Pacifica left Mabel and went over to where Gaston and Geneva were struggling against the Order members that held them. "My apologies for the interruption," she said, "but I'm afraid we must end the party early this year. Mabel cannot be trusted in your home anyway. I'm doing you a favor."

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