OCE: Part Four

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Gideon's collar felt empty.

Every time his hand went up to rub the amulet, a habit he'd gotten into over the years, he remembered all over again. His amulet was gone. They'd bested him and taken it right off him. And now it was on the way back to the Northwest Manor.

On the way into the hands of Gaston.

He tried not to dwell on that thought as he, Mabel, Dipper, and Melody walked down the street towards the Mystery Museum. This was a happy occasion — they'd rescued Mabel. That was all that really mattered right now.

Mabel sidled up beside him. "Hey," she said.

"Hey. You feeling okay?"

She sighed. "As okay as I can be after all that."

Gideon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry about Pacifica. She really is my friend, but. . . well, since she won't apologize, I will."

"Thanks," Mabel said. "A-and thank you for coming after me. It really means a lot."

She stopped and, blushing, pulled him into a quick hug.

He returned it. "What are friends for?"

She pulled back and looked up at him. She was easily half a head shorter than he was. "Are we friends now?"

"Of course," he said. "Wasn't that obvious?"

Mabel smiled and shook her head. "You never can tell with you."

Gideon blinked. He thought he'd been perfectly obvious. He'd started acknowledging her existence, hadn't he?

Mabel went up to walk next to Melody, but Gideon hung back. He usually hated physical contact of any kind — too many bad memories. But Mabel. . . hugging Mabel felt good. Safe.

"So, big day, huh?"

Gideon looked over to see Dipper smile a knowing little grin. He rolled his eyes. "Yes, if that somehow escaped your notice. We did just have to rescue your sister from a cult."

Dipper didn't rise to the bait. "Mabel doesn't give hugs to just anyone, you know. And if I had asked her if she wanted to hug you yesterday, she would've looked at me like I'd gone crazy. What changed?"

Gideon simply shrugged.

The boys caught up to Mabel and Melody. The Pines chatted amiably with each other, but Gideon's mood dropped with every step he took. He had to go back. He'd run away from his father. And now his amulet was in Gaston's hands, too. If he wanted it back. . . he had to go and endure whatever torture Gaston had in mind.

Well, he might as well get it over with now.

He came to a stop in the street. "Well," he said, "this is where I leave you."

Mabel stopped, her eyes widening. "Wait — now?"

"Yes," Gideon said. "I've done what I needed to do. And now it's time to go home."

He could see Mabel's mind racing behind her eyes. "Um — but — d-don't you want a chance to give Ford the second Journal yourself?"

He paused. Did he? It would be a good excuse to put off his punishment. He suspected that Mabel was offering solely for that reason. But. . . he already had to give the Journal away once. He wasn't sure if he had the resolve to do it again.

Mabel grabbed his hand. "C'mon, I bet it would really mean a lot to Ford."

So Gideon let her drag him after her, though he doubted Ford would care either way. As long as he got his Journal back. Still, Gideon couldn't find it in him to resist procrastinating Gaston's wrath for just a little longer.

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