OCE: Part One

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Mabel had been gone all day, and Dipper was getting worried.

He sat at the base of the stairs, anxiously bouncing his leg and staring at the door, Waddles asleep on his lap. Where was she? Should he go after her? She'd said she was going to help with a haunting at the Northwest Manor, but she'd been gone all day, and it was dark outside. Shouldn't she be done by now?

His mind went over all sorts of terrible things that could've happened. He knew he shouldn't have let her go off with Gideon! He may have saved her down in the bunker, but that didn't make him trustworthy. Dipper wouldn't trust him as far as he could throw him, and Mabel shouldn't either.

Huh. Funny how being afraid for Mabel made him as paranoid as Mabel.

"Do you want to go look for her?" Melody came into the entryway and leaned against the wall.

Dipper's leg-bouncing sped up. "Yeah, but I doubt the Northwests would even let us into their front yard, much less their house. And what if she comes back while we're out looking for her?" He sighed. "I'm not crazy, though, right? She should've been back by now?"

Melody nodded. "She should've been. And if you sit there for much longer, you're going to go crazy worrying. We can leave a note just in case, but let's get out there and start searching for her."

She was right, of course. He'd feel much better going out and doing something about it instead of just worrying. He eased Waddles off his lap and stood up. "Okay, but I'm gonna grab her grappling hook. Just in case we need to vault over the Northwest's stupid gate." He ran up the stairs, then paused on the top step and looked back down at Melody. "And grab the stun gun, too. You never know if we'll need it, and Mabel may be in danger."

Plus he would use it on Gideon in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose.

Five minutes later, Dipper was at the door, bundled in his coat and fiddling with the grappling hook in his hands. "I promise I'm just borrowing it, Mabel," he said to it. "I'll give it back as soon as we find you. Because we will find you."

Melody ducked into the entryway, pulling on her own coat. "All right, let's—"

There was a strong, sharp knock at the door.

Dipper and Melody both jumped. Their eyes met. "Do you think it's. . . ?" Melody began.

"That doesn't sound like her knock," Dipper said, butterflies of worry erupting in his stomach. It could be Mabel, but it sounded more like some responsible adult, come to be the bearer of bad news.

But Dipper wasn't one to wallow in anxiety when he could be acting. He pulled the door open.

And came face to face with Gideon Northwest.

Dipper saw red. Gideon started to say something, but Dipper didn't hear. He sprang from the doorway and grabbed Gideon by the collar. "Where's — my — sister," he growled, getting up in Gideon's face.

Gideon's voice was strained, but he managed to force out: "She's in danger."

The blood drained from Dipper's face. Gideon shoved Dipper off him, and he was too stunned to catch himself. He fell to the frozen porch with a thud.

Then the moment passed, and Dipper's dismay was replaced with anger. He jumped to his feet. "What did you do?!" he shouted.

"I didn't do anything! It was Pacifica!"

Dipper had been dreading Mabel being in danger. But he was not expecting this. "Pacifica? But she disappeared!"

Gideon gave him a flat look. "Well, she's back, and she has your sister, and if we want to save her we have to go now."

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