OCE: Part Six

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The Pines worked in the Museum for the rest of the morning, much to Ford's displeasure. Melody even considered having him lead a tour at one point, but then decided his grizzled, unkempt appearance would scare the tourists away. She instead set him to restocking supplies in the gift shop, watched over by Robbie — who showed up half an hour late for his shift — to make sure the old man didn't sneak off.

Mabel and Dipper cleaned the museum displays between tours, then went to clean in the gift shop, washing windows and wiping down decorations and dusting merchandise that hadn't been touched by tourists in a while. While they worked in the gift shop, Ford provided a soundtrack. He groaned whenever he shifted positions, his joints cracking, and gave disbelieving comments over some of the merchandise he was restocking. Apparently Melody was more in charge of this business than Mabel had supposed.

"Hey Mr. Pines, you're making the customers uncomfortable," Robbie said, after a group of them checked out and left the Museum.

"That's ridiculous. Just because I've been away for a bit doesn't mean I can't show my face. This is my business."

Robbie shrugged. "It doesn't exactly seem that way, considering you don't even know what's in that merch you're restocking."

Ford slammed down the bigfoot bobblehead he was holding in a huff. "I know what merchandise I have! Melody has just been buying new supplies without consulting me."

Robbie raised his eyebrows and put his hands up in surrender.

It sounded to Mabel like Melody buying new supplies was evidence of her growing responsibility for the Museum, but she was glad Robbie didn't do anything to antagonize Ford further. The old man's mutterings, from what Mabel could pick out, indicated he was doing as Melody suggested and planning for the operation to retrieve the first Journal. But he still seemed to resent being forced to do manual labor. Well, now you know what it's been like for us kids, Ford.

Though she couldn't complain. She had been passed out on the couch for the past week.

Mabel tried to stay focused on her work, tried to be in the moment as she cleaned. But cleaning was so mechanical, and her mind was so flighty, that it was a wonder she lasted as long as she did. Before long, her mind started to drift. To Bill, to Pacifica, to the Cipher Wheel and what it all meant. First Pacifica, and the things she'd screamed at Mabel last night. Mabel's brain just kept replaying the same moment over and over again: Pacifica crossing the room and pulling out the knife. That was the second time Mabel had been at knifepoint this winter, and she didn't ever want it to happen again. She wondered if, had Pacifica been able to kill her, she would've used a knife to do it.

Her brain caught hold of that thought and chased it around for a while. Why hadn't Pacifica been able to kill her? She wanted to, she did nothing to hide that fact. But Bill had stopped her, Bill had wanted Mabel alive. Bill, even after possessing Mabel.

An image of Babel's laughing face flashed across the back of Mabel's eyes.

She shook her head, trying to banish it. Why, though? Why had Bill specifically intervened with Pacifica's plan? What was he planning?

A shiver ran down Mabel's spine as it hit her.

The Cipher Wheel. She was on the Cipher Wheel. That had to be it. But. . . wouldn't Bill want the members of the Cipher Wheel dead? Weren't they the last defense between him and freedom?

"Mabel? Maaaaabel. Earth to Mabel."

Dipper snapped his fingers in front of her face, and Mabel jumped. The jerk was violent enough that she bumped right into Dipper, almost falling on top of him.

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