BB: Part Four

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Dipper ran down the stairs, watching his feet so he wouldn't trip over his untied shoelaces. He was wearing his hiking shoes: dark red sturdy tennis shoes with thick laces. They didn't glow when he shone his new black light on them, but they made him feel like an adventurer.

At the base of the stairs, Mabel was struggling with her pack. "Grunkle Ford, this is really heavy," she said as she tried to heft it onto her shoulders. Then she wobbled and grabbed onto the banister for support.

Dipper hurried over to help his sister. "What's in there?" he asked. "We're not taking the whole Museum with us, are we?"

"Just some equipment," Ford said.

"I know it's a shock," Mabel said, setting the pack down with a thump, "but I'm a weakling."

"You're not a weakling."

"Grunkle Ford, I have noodle arms." She held out her skinny little arms for him to see.

Dipper went past them into the kitchen, where Melody hummed to herself as she made them sandwiches.

"Ooh," he said, hopping up on a stool, "you're cutting them into triangles! I love sandwich triangles."

"Me too," Melody said. "Do you like honey or jam with your peanut butter?"

"Both!" He grinned at her. "Hey, Melody, do you know how to make invisible ink?"

Melody frowned in thought. "I think I might have a recipe somewhere. You wanna try out that black light you found?"

"Yep!" He pulled it out of his pocket. "I'm gonna bring it along, just in case there's an invisible message somewhere in the bunker. There are all sorts of cool things in this house. You should've seen the back of Ford's lab."

"Oh, I've seen the lab. Your uncle nearly had to tie me to a chair to keep me from cleaning it."

"I think it's cooler when it's all dusty like that."

Ten minutes later, the Pines were all ready to go. Mabel and Ford had renegotiated the backpack sizes so that Mabel wouldn't fall over, the cute triangle sandwiches were all packed along with plenty of water bottles, the Journal was secure in Ford's pack, and the black light was secure in Dipper's. He didn't think he'd actually need it, but you never know. Gotta be prepared on an adventure.

"Be safe," Melody said. "Don't let any of those gizmos go off in your pack. Don't get split up. And for heaven's sake, don't come back dead." She hugged the twins and and adjusted Ford's turtleneck before stepping back to look over them. "Okay. You can go now."

"Bye, Melody," Dipper said. "Don't go crazy worrying about us!" He stepped up to the door and pulled it open.

And found himself staring into the wide eyes of Candy Chiu.

Her mouth was open, and her fist was up like she was about to knock on the door. She blinked as she stared back at Dipper.

"Oh, hi, Candy!" he said.

"Hi." She slowly lowered her fist.

"What's up?" he asked. "Come on in."

Mabel, who'd been impatient to leave all morning, threw her hands up in exasperation. Dipper ignored her.

Once Candy was in the house, and Mabel, Ford, and Melody had moved back so they weren't all squished, Candy coughed. "It looks like you're about to leave, but, uh, I just wanted to hang out."

"We are about to leave," Mabel said.

"Greyson's with his family today," Candy continued, "so I thought I'd come over here. But it looks like you're having a family day too."

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