Chapter One

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How's this for a first chapter? And don't forget to vote if you liked, and follow for more! 


Carrie pushed her way through the grass which was about her height, her dark brown hair sticking to her face as the wind whipped around her, the grass rustling causing her to freeze in her tracks only to realize, it is just the wind. It was so cold, and the light rain the small town previously received had made the ground muddy, her foot sinking into the soft earth now and then which she quickly needed to pull out before she got stuck. All she was wearing was a short sleeve shirt and poorly made pants which weren't very long, made from an old rag she found in an alley and barely kept her warm.

Shivering, she wrapped her arms tightly around her shoulders as she walked. Considering it was on the edge of the winter, it was more than likely there was going to be a snowfall here soon, and she was doing her best to find some sort of shelter before then, otherwise the cold would get worse. But the grass made it difficult to look around, considering it was just above her head, so she just walked around hoping to find a slightly warm, dry place to take a short nap.

After walking for what seemed like hours, her vision became blurry making it impossible for her to see where exactly she was. It was so cold too, and her legs were so exhausted from walking. She has to find somewhere to rest soon. It wasn't that long before her legs suddenly gave out from under her and after a small scream, she found herself rolling down a hill, banging her arms up as she fell. Hitting the bottom, she hit her head on a small rock and tears filled her eyes as she just laid in the mud in pain. As her vision blurred, even more, her eyes slowly closed as she fell into a cold darkness.

Darren had been busy in his garden, planting flowers in the soft mud, taking this chance to get some gardening done and plant seeds that will hopefully grow once spring hits. Busy digging the hole, he paused for only a moment when the grass near him moved a bit and he glanced over with a frown. "Rodents." He said under his breath as he turned his back to the hole to pick out his flower seeds when he could have sworn he heard a scream and his head shot up to look around. He wasn't sure exactly what he thought could be going on as he held the flower seed tightly in his hand, his nails making indents in his skin as Darren turned back to the hole.

The sight shocked him. It looked to be a tiny human, a small figure of a girl lying unconscious at the bottom of the hole he had just dug out. At this point, he was very confused, and he knew that it was rather chilly, but she was in a short sleeve t-shirt. It had to be cold right? And knowing this, he couldn't just leave the poor thing out to freeze to death, it would be inhumane. So slowly and hesitantly, he reached out towards the girl, his fingers lightly encircling her thin frame as he lifted her into his hand. Her arms had mud all over them, and by the looks of her clothes, it was obvious she hasn't changed in possibly months.

Downright confused, he used a finger to roll her onto her back in his hand and looked around before standing, quickly going back into his own house and looked around his living room. He had to think of somewhere to put her, so with a quiet sigh he went over to his couch and placed her on the pillow resting against the arm. He then went and cut an old piece of t-shirt off and laid it over her like a blanket and looked at her once more with a small smile. "Now all we have to do is wait for her to awaken."

Carrie wasn't sure what happened. Something around her was warm. Was she dead? Slowly, she opened her eyes and found herself staring up into the face of a human, fear, and panic then shooting through her body.

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