Chapter Six

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Carrie woke up in the morning somewhere warm and soft. The last thing she could remember last night was dozing off on the table while she waited for Darren to finish eating. Slowly, she opened her eyes to see his massive face laying beside, and looking around she could see the warmth was from his hand, which was laying over her as a sort of blanket as she laid on his pillow, which explained the softness.

Slowly she crawled out from under his hand with a small smile as she did her best not to wake him. He was nice and brought her upstairs to the bedroom. But, as soon as she moved pain shot through her body and she groaned, closing her eyes tightly. She ached everywhere, her head throbbed and her throat was sore. 

Darren hadn't been sleeping too deeply and woke up hearing the small groan from beside him and his eyes fluttered open, looking at the small girl laying under his hand and frowned as he saw her face was twisted in pain. This made him jolt upright, looking down at her slightly panicked. "Carrie! Did I hurt you? Oh, god, I hope I didn't!" 

His loud voice made her flinch, but it didn't bother her as much because it sounded like he cared about what was going on. "N-No, D-Darren, I'm okay. I-I just don't feel good is all." Opening her eyes a slit, she tried to sit up before wincing and groaned again, falling onto her back. 

"Do you want me to call off work? I was supposed to go in today, but I want to make sure you're okay..." Darren mumbled quietly as he stood up, looking at her worriedly. "You're my friend after all."

Carrie froze at the word 'friend' and her eyes darted over to him. "F-Friend...?" She said quietly as a small smile formed on her lips as a light blush spread on her face. "Th-That's sounds nice...and yes, I-I'll be okay Darren, th-thank you."

"I'll get some soup up here for you while I'm gone at least okay?" Darren looked at her, ignoring the blush as he smiled at her. "I'll take care of it, then you just have a good day, alright? Try and rest, and get better."

Once Darren had gotten her some soup, which he put in a thimble which was like a perfect bowl for her and he only put broth in so she could drink it, he got his work clothes on and fixed his hair before he headed out. He couldn't help but worry about Carrie though. She was sick and could barely move after all. Why he was so worried, he'd never know.

But even throughout his work day, he found his mind wandering off to Carrie and if she was going to be okay. With a small sigh, he began to fill out a paper when a voice pulled him from his thoughts.

"Darren?" Lori, his co-worker looked at him with a frown. "You seem off today, is everything okay?" She flashed him a pearly toothed smile as she took a seat beside him. 

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm okay Lori. A friend of mine is sick and I'm just hoping that she'll be okay." He sighed quietly as he typed into his computer, glancing to his paper.

"She? Ooh, do you have a girlfriend now?" She grinned at him again, resting her chin on her hand as she watched him work.

"No, she's not my girlfriend." He looked away from her as a small blush crossed his face. "I doubt she'd ever be my girlfriend. She's just, a friend is all. Her name's Carrie." Looking down, a small smile crept onto his face. 

"Then can we get dinner Darren? I mean, I know it's sudden, but I know you're a good cook and all. So maybe we can eat at your house." Lori smiled at him once again, standing up and picked up her own papers.

"Sure, why not?" He mumbled, not paying attention to what he was saying as his mind wandered off to Carrie yet again. 

"It's a date." His eyes then snapped open and he wheeled around to stop Lori but she was already skipping happily down the hall with her papers, humming.

Standing up once he got off, Darren gathered his stuff and shoved them in his briefcase, running a hand through his hair as he left the building. What was he going to tell Carrie? He had to do his best to make sure Lori didn't see her. But if Lori did, what would she say? She seems like a nice person, maybe Carrie could get another friend she could trust. That would be a pretty good thing, wouldn't it? And he didn't really even like Lori, but why not give her a chance?

Arriving home, he went right up to his bedroom and was happy to find Carrie curled into a ball, asleep on the pillow. Walking over to her with a sigh, he gently nudged her with a finger. "Carrie?" He whispered and waited as the tiny girl groaned tiredly and opened her eyes, looking up at him. "Hey, I'm home. How're you feeling?" He asked as he tried to check her temperature.

"I feel a lot better than I did, thank you." Carrie smiled, happy he was home. She wanted to talk to him anyway. She believed she somehow had developed a little crush already, and she wanted to try and see if maybe he felt the same way. Hopefully, this went okay.

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