Chapter Five

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Just as Carrie began to drift off on the giant pillow, the door opened and the familiar human approached the bed. She didn't want to look at him, still slightly scared from earlier. But when she felt a light nudge, she turned her head to see his hand beside her, Darren looking down at her with a warm smile. "What?" Carrie mumbled quietly as she turned away again, bringing her knees to her chest. 

Seeing the way she was acting, Darren couldn't help give an annoyed sigh. Shouldn't she have believed he wasn't dangerous by now? "What do you mean what?" He mumbled, "I came to fetch you so you can eat. I cooked some chicken and vegetable soup, would you like any?" Reaching out to pick her up, as soon as he touched her she yelped and dashed away across the pillow, wheeling around to face him. She looked positively terrified.

Standing there, she panted softly and stared up at this human wide-eyed. She didn't really like just being plucked off the ground like that, in fact, it downright scared her. "D-Don't touch me without permission." She spat at him, mustering up as much courage as she could to say it.

Surprised by the sudden demand, Darren simply nodded with a deep chuckle. "As you wish little lady." He teased as he placed his hand on the bed near her. "Allow me to provide you with the most comfortable means of transportation." He spoke in a poor British accent as if he were a butler.

Though she was mad he was sort of mocking her, she couldn't help the small smile that crept onto her face. "Fine." She said with a slight grin as she slowly crawled into his palm and seated herself in the middle before her nose began to itch and she let out a sneeze, another deep chuckle rumbling above her.

"Maybe you're getting a cold from being outside. If you are the soup I made will help you quite a bit. It's my mother's recipe." Darren spoke softly as he left his bedroom, holding her carefully in his hand.

Before Carrie could say anything, she sneezed into her hands again and looked up at Darren with a small nod. "O-Okay, thank you." She replied softly, lowering her eyes as she looked at the world moving around her, watching the ground as he went down the steps.

"It's no problem, as long as you're in my house, you're a guest. That's all I'm going to say, alright?" Darren looked at Carrie as he picked her up by the back of her shirt despite her protests, placing her on his counter.

"I told you not to do that!" Carrie yelled up at the human as she stomped her feet and crossed her arms angrily, looking up at him with a pout, earning an actual laugh from him. 

He couldn't believe how cute someone angry could be. He knew it was her size, but watching her stomp, pout and flailing her arms he couldn't help but laugh, it was just too cute to him. "Alright Tiny, I'm sorry," Darren said with a smile as he began to get the food.

Crossing her arms, Carrie began to feel a bit dizzy and put a hand to her head as she sneezed again. She wanted to deny it but she could tell she really was getting a cold. She closed her eyes for something that only felt like a few seconds before being jolted awake by harsh movement.

Darren had turned away and now had a bowl of soup and a plate of chicken ready to share with her, and turned around to see she had already fallen asleep in the couple minutes he wasn't watching her. An idea clicked with him, it was probably a bad idea, but he placed the soup and chicken on the table before turning back to the counter and grabbed the edges, smirking before shaking it. "Wake up!" He said with a laugh, watching her jolt up and look around frantically. 

Carrie looked at him, wide-eyed, a bit of anger bubbling inside her but she just wrapped her arms around herself as she sneezed again, looking down. "D-Don't do that Darren." 

With a slight frown, Darren nodded in agreement. "Alright Carrie, my apologies." He reached out towards her before pulling his hand away and sighed. "Let's just eat." He laid his hand beside her on the counter and once again waited for her to climb on. He felt so stupid now, he knew it was a bad idea but he did anyway. Now she was mad at him again. 

Placing her on the table, he picked up the spoon, scooping out a bit of soup and lightly blew on it, making sure it wasn't too hot as he brought the spoon close to her with a smile. He knew she couldn't hold the spoon, so he might as well help her out.

When Carrie saw the spoon right there by her and realized what he was doing, she folded her arms over her chest again. "No way, I can feed myself, I'm not a child." She looked up at him, slightly annoyed. Just who in the world did he think he was? 

"The soup's hot, you can't hold a spoon, just eat the stupid soup, Carrie." Darren smiled at the tiny girl, making sure he was holding the spoon steady. Sure, he thought it was kinda cute that she was refusing, but he knew she had to eat.

Hesitantly, she brought her mouth up and sipped some of the soup off the spoon, the flavor exploding in her mouth. It was sweet, it was slightly salty, and she could taste some carrot as well. It's been a while since she'd had something this good, and she continued to sip off the spoon until that spoonful was gone and looked at Darren. "C-Can I have some more?" She asked quietly, looking down.

Darren watched her with a slight smile, able to tell before she asked for more that she enjoyed it. Who wouldn't? It was his mother's recipe after all. With a nod, he carefully scooped and cooled some more soup in the spoon before holding it back out to her, watching her down that spoonful as well. "You must be pretty hungry huh?" He asked softly as he watched her move over to the plate of chicken. He hadn't even known her a full 24 hours yet, and he knew he wanted to make sure she was comfortable. Was it her size? Her looks maybe? He didn't know.

After hearing his question, Carrie looked down. It was true, she was. That little bit of toast hadn't done much and this soup was really, really good. "Y-Yes, I'm sorry." She said quietly as she ripped a small bit of the meat off, nibbling on it and closed her eyes, enjoying the flavor. "I-I hope I'm not intruding, b-but I really have to say I'm super thankful that you're doing this for me, e-even if you are kinda scary."

Still watching her, Darren gave a simple nod. "No need to thank me. I saw someone in need and knew I had to help. Now just enjoy what you want of the chicken and I'll eat the rest of the soup."

The two sat there for a little while longer, mostly in silence as they both enjoyed the tasty meal and just enjoying each company, even if one of them didn't want to really admit.

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