Chapter Nineteen

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~5 Years Later~

Darren hummed quietly as he used a soapy washcloth to scrub the kitchen floor, then glanced over his shoulder at his little wife with a smile after hearing a small annoyed grunt. "Is everything okay darling?" He asked softly, setting the washcloth down,

Carrie set her tiny washcloth down and looked way up at him with a nod. "Yes, it's fine." He always did the tiles, and she'd go through with her rag and clean up in between since she could reach it better, but this time there was a bit of syrup or something that just wouldn't come clean. "I just can't get this bit! Can you try please?" She gave him a soft smile, batting her eyelashes.

With a light, deep chuckle Darren dipped his rag back in the bucket of water he had sitting beside him and used that to wipe up where she was pointing to, purposely splashing her in the process.

"Darren!" Carrie whined, looking at her soaked shirt with a frown. "Now I have to go change! You're such a jerk!" She turned her eyes up to him before taking a small step back. Even after a few years, he could still intimidate her quite a bit.

"Am I now?" Darren gave her a small smirk and plucked her off the floor by the back of her shirt. "You really shouldn't go around insulting people like that, it isn't healthy my dear." 

"Darren put me down." Carrie frowned and held perfectly still, knowing if she struggled her shirt could rip and she could fall quite ways down.

"Now who's being a jerk?" Darren teased as he placed her in his palm, rising up to his full height. "I'll take you up to our room so we can change." He smiled softly and began to head upstairs.

Carrie settled into his palm with a smile. She knew he was really just a big softie and would never intentionally hurt her, except that one time he got mad and hit her. She had a bruise completely covering her arm, but he apologized so many times and did everything someone could possibly do to make anyone feel better. Pillows, chocolate, movies. He always took her size into consideration when planning anything, and she found it sweet.

Just as they began to climb the stairs, the door burst open, Lori grinning in the doorway. "Guess who's back from her honeymoon?!" She laughed as she walked in, a man following behind her with blue eyes and blond hair.

"Lori, welcome home. How was it?" Darren smiled and instead walked over to the newlyweds, holding Carrie close to his chest. 

"It was great. Alan and I had a lot of fun, and he wants to say he's really, really sorry about what happened a long time ago Carrie. He just thought you were cute and came at you the wrong way." Turning her attention to Carrie Lori gave her a small smile.

Carrie simply nodded, cuddling closer into Darren's chest with a small smile."I-It's okay." She stuttered out, her wet shirt making her shiver.

Darren, not noticing the shiver smiled. "Why don't we all go outside and enjoy the sun while it lasts? Then Carrie's shirt can dry off too." He chuckled lightly and glanced at Carrie before just heading out the front door without waiting for an answer.

The warm sun felt rather nice against Carrie's skin, and she closed her eyes as she leaned into her giant husband's chest with a small smile. "Darren?" She spoke his name softly, allowing herself to relax. 

"What is it?" Darren whispered as he sat down in the grass and smiled down at the tiny woman.

"Will we ever have any children? I-I know we'd have to adopt, but..." She trailed off and looked down to her hands with a deep frown.

"Would you like a kid?" He looked at her, slightly shocked. He'd always believed she'd be scared if there was a kid running around.

"Only a bit." She replied softly, laying her head against him as she grabbed a handful of his shirt. "I believe it could be a rather fun experience."

Darren simply nodded and closed his eyes before hearing a quiet gasp from his tiny wife. "Hmm?" He opened his eyes and looked at her, Carrie staring off somewhere nearby. "Carrie?" He gently nudged her with a finger, snapping her out of her daze.

"Darren...over there." She whispered, pointing. She could have sworn she saw something in the grass.

Slowly, Darren moved across the grass over to where Carrie was pointing and his eyes widened when he saw a tiny boy there, staring up at him in fear. "P-Please, d-don't hurt me!" The boy pleaded as he began to crawl away before spotting Carrie and his eyes widened.

Carrie couldn't believe it. This boy was like her. He was tiny, and whatever she was. "Darren put me down." She whispered, waiting as the giant hand was lowered and she hopped off, looking at the boy. "How old are you?" She asked the boy softly, who was eyeing her curiously.

"I-I'm 5." He whimpered out, backing away from them both. "A-Are you g-going to hurt me...?"

"Of course not. What's your name little one?" She cooed softly. "I'm Carrie, this is my husband Darren." She smiled.

Slowly, he began to move closer. "I-I'm Mark." He mumbled as a slight smile fell over his face. "Your husband is a human? Th-That's kind of cool."

Nodding, Carrie giggled. "He's very nice. Come on inside, you look hungry." She offered as she climbed back onto Darren's hand. "Climb on, it's alright."

Slowly, the boy climbed onto Darren's massive hand but was still trembling from fear. "I-I am hungry." He spoke quietly, yelping as Darren stood up and latched onto Carrie.

Chuckling, Darren carried the two inside the house, looking at Lori and Alan. "Can you two head out? We have a little boy to take care of at the moment. You can come back later, though."

Alan and Lori, who had been talking looked over to Darren with a smile. "Oh, alright." The couple stood up, said their farewells then left.

Placing the boy and Carrie on the coffee table, Darren looked down to Carrie with a small smile. "Looks like we got that kid we were talking about." He whispered as Carrie smiled and nodded, beginning to help the boy relax in the new surroundings.


And that's it folks! That's the end! I hope you all enjoyed this book, and I will be starting another one soon! So keep an eye out for an update on here that'll let you know! I've also got His Little Doll out which is another G/T in case you haven't caught that one! Anyway, vote if you like, and follow for more! And thanks for reading!

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