Chapter Eighteen

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Darren had been walking around for about an hour, and he was a bit hungry from not eating breakfast. But Carrie had to be starving since she hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday. Poor thing, all alone out there with nobody. He had to find her as fast as he could. "Carrie?!" He called out, his breath showing in the cold air and a gust of wind blew past, making him shiver. He could only imagine how cold it was for Carrie herself.

Wrapping his arms around his shoulders, he continued walking before spotting something in the snow. Kneeling to the ground, he looked and saw that it was a tiny trail. Maybe, just maybe it was her!" Rising back to his feet, he followed the path in the snow swiftly, praying in his mind she would be walking and he could take her home where they could both eat and get warmed up. And no doubt she would be sick, so more soup is in order. 

It was then he spotted a tiny figure lying in the snow, the snow covering half it's body. He knew who it was without even getting a closer look. "Carrie." He called softly, a small relieved smile gracing his lips. But when there was no response, and she didn't even move, his smile turned into a deep frown. Reaching out, his fingers gently enclosed around her body, shocking him at how cold she was. She was freezing! Her lips were blue, her face, arms, and hands were red, he had to get her home as fast as he could.

Cupping her in his hand against his chest, he began the walk home, speed walking the whole way so he could get her warmed up and fed as fast as he could without hurting her any more than she already was. Most likely she'll be getting another cold. But this time he'll have Lori to help take care of her.

Once he got home, he carefully wrapped Carrie up in a blanket that was laying conveniently on the couch before he grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number with a small frown.

"Yeah, Lori? Get over here. I found her."

Carrie slowly felt herself regain consciousness. She wasn't sure when exactly she blacked out, nor how long she was out. She was hesitating to open her eyes, for she still felt a bit cold, but was also warm at the same time. Is she dead? Did she die out in the snow? No, there was a smell. It smelled...delicious. It made her stomach growl, sending a slight pain through her. Then she heard voices. Familiar ones.

"Darren, when do you think she'll wake up?" She heard Lori mumble, worry clear in her tone. "She's been like this for a few hours now."

A few hours?! They must be so worried! Carrie's chest tightened as she tried to move her arms, only finding herself unable to from whatever was wrapped around her.

"I don't know Lori. I'm hoping soon, though. She scares me sometimes." That same deep voice replied, worry in his tone as well. 

Slowly, Carrie opened her eyes and saw a giant bowl in front of her, a heat radiating off of it. It was that the smell was coming from, and now she recognized it. Vegetable soup. She opened her mouth to call out to them, but only managed a quiet cough.

Darren froze when he heard it and his eyes snapped over to the blanket, quickly unwrapping the tiny woman from it and held her in his open palm, eyes scanning her. "Carrie, you're awake." He whispered, relieved.

The sudden movement made her stomach lurch and she had to grab onto his thumb tightly to keep herself steady. "I-I am." She choked out, her throat dry and sore.

"Oh, here." He placed her back down, taking the spoon out of the bowl of soup and gathered some broth with a frown, making sure it was cool enough before holding the spoon out to Carrie. "Drink this, it'll help."

With a small nod, Carrie placed her lips on the spoon, drinking some of the broth. The warm liquid ran down her throat, soothing the soreness as she drank, only pausing to take a breath. 

Lori just quietly watched the two with a smile, seeing the fondness in Darren's eyes and the happiness behind Carrie's. They were perfect for each other, that she knew, and she also knew she had to get them together somehow yet. "By the way Carrie, you have a winter coat and new clothes. I made them for you." She smiled down at the tiny woman, taking a seat on the couch.

Carrie stopped what she was doing and looked up at Lori as a small smile crossed her face. "Th-Thank you." She coughed out and covered her mouth before sneezing. 

"Awe, poor little thing. And you don't have to thank me, just let Darren take care of you. By the way, what happened to you at the office? It would be good to know."

Carrie tensed and hung her head. "I-I don't know who it was. I-It was a man, he had blond hair and blue eyes. H-He grabbed me off of Darren's desk a-and put me in a drawer, then i-in his briefcase and took me to his house, th-then I ran onto his big dog and got outside and tried to find my way home." She sniffled quietly as tears trailed down her face. "I-I was so scared."

Darren's heart wrenched, but he knew right away who she was talking about. "His name was Alan. He's  the boss's brother, so we can't do much about him. But you can just stay here, okay? It was a bad idea to take you to work, and I don't want to lose you again." He spoke softly, reaching out and gently lifted Carrie into his palm, pulling her against his chest. 

"W-Why do you care so much about me?" Carrie asked quietly as she nestled herself into his warm, soft shirt with a small smile gracing her own lips.

But nothing prepared her for his response, especially since she hadn't been expecting it. "Carrie, I was afraid to admit it before that happened...I love you."

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