Chapter Eleven

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Darren could only stare down at the small girl hearing this, blinking a few times. She liked him? And she seemed very upset about this whole thing. Suddenly it began to sink in as he realized she had been hiding because she was sad that he had a date with another girl. That he'd been completely ignoring her almost all night. "C-Carrie..." Was all he managed to say as he watched her trembling in his hand.

"I-I'm sorry I yelled." Carrie said quietly, rubbing the tears off her face. "I-I was just frustrated." She sniffed quietly and just put her face in her hands, only to look up when she felt him rubbing her back with a finger. She felt really stupid for just yelling like that, and she thought for sure him or Lori would be upset.

Lori could only watch this scene play out. And while she did like Darren, it was obvious that Carrie and Darren liked each other as well. She just has to help her out with getting Darren to realize his own feelings. "It's okay Carrie. We should get her out of the rain Darren, she's freezing, look at her."

Looking at Carrie, Darren did notice that she wasn't scared, she was cold. Her arms were wrapped tightly around herself and she looked like she was busy trying to stay warm. "Oh, right." With a swift turn, he basically ran inside, holding Carrie against his chest so she wouldn't fall out of his hand. "Please stay with her Lori while I go make some hot chocolate and get her something warmer." Darren looked at Lori as he carefully handed her Carrie. "Be careful with her. Please." He then ran off, leaving the two girls alone.

Continuing to shiver, Carrie sniffed quietly again as Lori placed her on the couch, grabbing a blanket and used a corner to wrap it around her. "Here." Lori said softly, looking down at her. "I can tell you really like him, and I know he likes you. I...I'm jealous. But, I'd rather see him happy. And while I do kind of want to rip your head off your body, I won't."

Carrie's eye's widened at the statement and she took a small step back, simply nodding and sitting down, keeping her eyes on her hands and the blanket wrapped tightly around her. "O-Oh, um, a-alright." She said timidly, not daring to look up at her. 

Lori watched her for a moment before standing up as Darren walked in carrying a thimble filled with hot chocolate and walked over to the couch, holding it out to Carrie. "Here you go." He said quietly, very worried about her.

Carrie took the thimble in both hands, looking up at Darren with a thankful look before taking a small sip of the hot chocolate, able to warm up ever so slightly. "Th-Thank you Darren." She said quietly, closing her eyes and began to think only a little bit.

"Lori, I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave. I'm sorry." He looked at Lori as he carefully took a seat on the sofa beside Carrie. "I'll see you at work tomorrow though. We can talk more then." Sighing quietly, he watched as Lori walked away, waved, and left.

As soon as Lori left, Carrie fully relaxed again and looked way up to Darren as she takes another sip of hot chocolate. "W-What now?" She asked softly as she downed the rest of the liquid with a small smile perched on her lips.

"Well, you're cold. I'm tired. I think it'd be best if we headed off to bed." Darren reached out, gently scooping up the tiny girl into his palm and rose from the couch, heading on upstairs to his bedroom. "Do you want to sleep on my bed again?" He glanced at her with a small smile, ruffling her hair with a finger teasingly to try and lighten the mood.

Unable to hold back the giggle as he ruffled her hair, Carrie looked up at him. "Yes, that sounds fine. Thank you Darren." She said quietly.

So they both got situated, Darren in his pajamas and laying on his stomach, Carrie laying near him, snuggled into the mattress and using his large hand as a blanket. A small smile crossed her face before she paused for a moment, her stomach growling and she wrapped her arms around herself under his hand, Darren glancing over to his little friend.

"Carrie? Are you cold?" He asked softly as he ran a finger over her cheek, chuckling deeply when a bit of red spread across her face.

"N-No, I'm okay." She replied quietly, able to feel the heat in her face which only made her blush harder. "J-Just a bit hungry, but I've gone longer than a-a day without food. I-I'll be okay until breakfast." Speaking quietly, she nestled into the soft mattress with a slight smile, closing her eyes as she allowed herself to relax even more. But she still hadn't fully let her guard down. If she did that, what would be the point? 

"Very well." Darren smiled softly at her before closing his own eyes , his blanket pulled up over himself as they both began to fall asleep.

Darren felt a bit of movement, but didn't open his eyes. His head was throbbing in pain and he couldn't remember why. He felt something lightly touch his arm, and slowly he opened his eyes to find Carrie kneeling beside him, worry clear in her eyes. But she was the same size as him.

"D-Darren?" She spoke softly, her hand resting on his cheek as he slowly sat up and managed to get a look around the room, his eyes widening.

Everything was huge! His dresser, his bed, his whole room! He felt like he should be panicking, but with Carrie beside him, for some reason he felt rather...calm.

He didn't speak a word as he looked her dead in her beautiful green eyes as he began to lean forward, certain their lips were about to meet.

His alarm went off, causing him to jolt awake and quickly turn off the loud beeping and looked down at Carrie, then around his room. Normal. Everything was normal. Luckily she managed to stay asleep through the alarm, he'd have felt awful waking her like that. 

But the one thing he couldn't get out of his mind was that dream. He wanted to see what happened, but he also wasn't entirely sure what that meant. Did he possibly like the small girl and didn't even realize it?

With a frown, he carefully laid back down and tried to go back to sleep to get just another hour if possible, feeling small movement and a light pressure as he looked to see Carrie snuggling into his side, still sleeping peacefully. He had to admit, she was rather cute. He thought that when he first found her. 

With a small smile on his face, he slowly began to fall back asleep until later.

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