Chapter Three

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Carrie sat quietly on the counter, wringing her hands nervously together. That human was sure keen to keep her here. Was she a pet now? What was she to him? Just another thing that he found outside for him to do whatever he wants with? Panic shot through her once again as a giant plate landed right beside her, causing her to jump and squeal fearfully, looking at the plate that had toast and pancakes on it. The aroma was wonderful, drawing her in as she rose to her feet. Her stomach growled, hungering for the food in front of her. And it's right there, all she has to do is reach out and take a piece! 

Darren kept his attention on the small girl, and he could tell by the way she was staring at the food that she was starving. So why wasn't she going to get any? It looked like she was scared to try and get any, even though he had said it was for her. With a sigh, he picked off a small bit of toast and held it in front of her. "Eat." 

When his massive hand came down in front of her, Carrie flinched and shut her eyes tightly, trembling again before hearing his one-word command and opened her eyes, looking at the bit of toast between his fingers. Slowly, she reached out and took it from him, taking a small bite before tearing it viciously, glad to have food after days without. 

Watching her, Darren couldn't help the deep chuckle that escaped. "I suppose you were very hungry. Once you're done there, I can get you a bath if you'd like. And then perhaps you can get some sleep, you look exhausted. Now, can you please tell me your name, or do I have to call you Shorty? I'm Darren."

Pausing for a moment, she took another chunk of toast to nibble on. "M-My name's Carrie." She said quietly, still not entirely sure if she can trust him yet. After all, she barely knew him, she only knew his name. Looking up to his eyes, she took in his features before setting the chunk of toast down on the plate. "Th-Thank you for the food. A-And a bath would be nice, b-but I don't have any other clothes."

"I could try and find you something I suppose, or I could just wash what you're wearing now. Either way, I don't necessarily mind." With a warm smile, he rose to his full height as he turned away from her again, looking down at his tiled kitchen floor as he thought about where she could bathe. He could fill his own bathtub, but if she couldn't swim that wouldn't be very helpful. With a small sigh, he opened some cupboards, pulling out a plastic container. "This could work." He mumbled quietly to himself as he walked over to the sink and turned the water on, getting it warm enough for her.

Carrie finished the chunk of toast and went back to watching the human, keeping her guard up no matter how nice he seemed. All her life she's been afraid of them and the first one she came into contact with is this nice? There's no way, it's just the way it's always been. Even if he is this nice, something is going to happen. Something always happens when she feels she can let her guard down and does. She has to force herself to keep it up this time, no matter how nice he is.

She gave a small yelp when a bowl was placed near her, and she looked up at Darren with a small frown, rubbing her arm nervously, dirt flaking off as she did. "W-What's that for?" She said quietly, just loud enough for the human to hear. Looking at the bowl, she can see steam rising off the top.

"It's a bathtub." Darren joked with a smile as he then lowered his hand down beside her. "Climb on, I'll take you to the bathroom with the bowl so that you can bathe, and I'll see what I can do about clothes for you, okay? I can tell you don't entirely trust me, but I don't want to just grab you."

Looking at his hand, Carrie slowly moved towards it, very hesitant as she climbed on and laid a hand on his thumb so she could seat herself in his warm palm, then looked back up to his face. "F-Fine." She mumbled, lowering her eyes again.

"Good girl." He said teasingly as he carefully picked up the small bowl and made his way to the downstairs bathroom, carrying the tiny girl in his other hand. He was still having trouble fully processing the fact that there was a three-inch tall girl in his house, but he didn't want to freak out and scare the poor thing.

Good girl? He does know she's not a pet right? She'll have to tell him that later too, especially before he decides that's what she is. The only reason she's staying here is because she's technically a hostage. Suddenly she was dumped roughly out of his palm onto a counter and winced, landing on a bruise but didn't dare to say anything as the bowl of warm water was placed beside her. Slowly, she looked up at the human. "Th-Thank you."

"It's no problem, take the time you need," Darren replied with a kind smile before he turned and left the bathroom, closing the door behind him and leaned against it with a sigh. He had work tomorrow, was it a good idea to leave her here? If she's survived this long outside, she can survive just fine in his house. 

Taking a moment to think, he went and grabbed the same shirt he used to cut a blanket for her, and cut out another scrap for a towel, and one that he also grabbed a string for so that she could use it as a toga of sorts while he washed the clothes she had on now. Slowly, he went back into the bathroom and heard a small squeal as he looked at Carrie, who was hiding under the water with just her head poking out, her dirty clothes on the counter. "I-I won't look, I just brought you things." Closing his eyes, he felt his way to the counter and set the cloth bits down, opening his eyes only a slit to grab her old clothes before speeding out the bathroom.

Carrie wrapped her arms around herself as she watched the human, a blush on her face. It was nice that he brought her those things, but he didn't have to just barge in like that! Looking at the items, she gave a soft sigh and sunk down into the warm water to try and relax. She won't let her guard down now, but she'll at least relax and hope things go well the rest of the night.

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