Chapter Nine

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Carrie's ears almost burst when the woman screamed and she clamped her hands over her ears, now trembling in fear even though she didn't like being called a mouse. Slowly she began to step out from behind the door and peeked over at Darren with a fearful look on her face. Her heart was pounding out of her chest, her mind racing at the thought of another human seeing her. And then when he said her name, she gave a small whimper and took off across the floor over to him. "D-Darren!" She exclaimed, not caring as his massive hand scooped her off the floor.

"Carrie, where have you been?! I was so worried about you, I was looking for you all day! And then you didn't come out and let me know you were okay! I didn't even know if you were still in my house!" Darren held the tiny girl against his chest. He was both angry and relieved, so he was putting out both emotions even though he could tell he was scaring her a bit. 

Trembling, Carrie just clung to his shirt, sobbing softly. She could feel not just his, but the woman's eyes on her as well. "I-I'm sorry, I-I really am!" She exclaimed as she buried her face into the fabric as she tried to calm down.

Lori watched the whole scene, staring at Carrie in both shock and confusion. "This is Carrie?" She looked at Darren, lowering her voice. She could tell she was scared, but it now made sense to why Darren was so worried about her yesterday. A slight twinge of jealousy shot through her chest, but she didn't want to make herself look bad. Plus, Carrie was just his friend, nothing more.

Darren glanced at Lori, then looked at Carrie again. "Carrie, this is Lori, my date tonight. Lori, this is Carrie, a friend." He gave a soft sigh, watching Carrie calm down only a bit in his hand.

Lori gave Darren a small smile, then looked at Carrie. "She's so small, and adorable! It's so nice that you're taking care of her Darren, I always knew you had a soft spot." She glanced at Carrie before planting a kiss on Darren's cheek, who began to blush before clearing his throat.

Carrie watched him with a frown, thinking quickly before getting an idea. "D-Darren, I'm hungry. I-I was hiding under your bed all day and didn't get to eat at all." She looked away from them both, nestling into his chest to try and make it seem like she wanted to stay with him, and while she did she didn't want to say it.

"Of course, we should go eat," Darren replied softly as he held her close to his chest, walking to the kitchen with a smile.

A frown tugged at Lori's lips as she watched Darren walk away, but she quickly put an another convincing smile. "Darren, it's supposed to be just us though remember? Give her something and then put her out here, I'm sure she wouldn't mind!" 

"I suppose you're right." Darren gave a quiet chuckle as he looked down at Carrie. "Would you be fine with that? I can give you a bit of food then you can wait until later in the living room right?" He gave her a soft smile as he placed her down on the arm of the couch.

Carrie's heart sunk but forced a smile. "Y-Yes, that's fine! I'm sure you two want to be alone anyway. I-I don't want to be a burden on you." 

Not realizing what she basically said, Darren smiled down at her. "Good. Now do me a favor and be good okay? No running off?" He gently ran a finger over her hair as he continued his way to the kitchen, happy she was alright.

Lori gave a sigh of relief before looking at Carrie with a fake smile perched on her red lips. "You're a doll hun." She chuckled and followed Darren, pushing her hair back behind her shoulders.

Carrie watched them both walk away, tears brimming in her green eyes as she quickly wiped them away, sniffling. "F-Fine. I-I don't want to be in the way anyway." She sat down and began to look around the giant room, before spotting that the window was open a small crack. If she tried, maybe, just maybe she'd be able to get out. 

Carefully, she began to climb down the couch, holding tightly onto the covering. As she was climbing down, her hand slipped and she began to fall backward down to the hardwood floor below with a cry of pain as her back slammed down. Hot tears ran down her face as she sat up, rubbing her back as pain coursed through it. She wanted to call for Darren but knew he was too busy with his new girlfriend to care about her. With a sniffle, she made her way over to the wall and looked up at the window sill. It was a rather long way up, but slowly she began to try and scale the wall, tears still running down her face making it hard to see. 

As she climbed, a loud clap of thunder went off and rain began to splatter the window. She didn't want to go out in the rain, but she knew that she wanted to get away from Darren and that woman, Lori. She continued to climb the wall, reaching the top and grabbed the sill, hoisting herself up and panted softly. It was hard to just climb the wall, but she managed to do it.

Looking out, she watched the rain for a moment before walking over to the glass, pushing on it with all her might but it didn't budge. Slowly, she went over to the crack and tried to squeeze through, getting stuck about halfway and winced, struggling to get through. With a grunt, she managed to squeeze through, even though her torso hurt a bit now. She was sore all over now. 

She peeked over the edge down to the bush below and gulped quietly, looking back inside the house as her clothes got quickly soaked from the rain. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and jumped, clothes getting snagged and slightly ripped on the branched as she latched onto one. holding onto the branch, she looked at her now bloody arms and legs, the branches having cut her on the way down.

It was too much for her. Darren, the rain, the pain. Holding onto the branch, she closed her eyes tightly and just began to cry.

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