Chapter Two

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She wanted to run, but her whole body had frozen in fear. Her mind was racing, trying to think about what happened, but she had a pounding headache and she ached all over from the fall. Instead, all she could do was just stare up at the human, shaking like a leaf now from fear, considering wherever she was had warmed her up. 

Darren watched her curiously, her tiny trembling form on the pillow. He didn't really want to scare her, but this was quite the new experience for him. Slowly he reached out, grabbing her by the back of her shirt as she gave a small squeal of fear. Looking at her for a moment, he placed her in his palm. "Do you have a name?" He asked, trying to sound as gentle as he could, although the way he was holding her wasn't going to help the process.

When Carrie was lifted up, another shot of panic went through her as the ground stood miles below her, and she immediately darted her eyes up to the humans face. His loud voice startled her, and she flinched as she closed her eyes tightly, still shaking but she didn't dare struggle. If she did, she might as well just push his fingers open and fall to the floor herself. What did he ask? Her name? Slowly opening her eyes, she looked at him. Taking in his brown eyes and blond hair, she opened her mouth to say something as she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye and darted her head in that direction.

Watching this girl, Darren couldn't help the small smile that crossed his face. She was amusing, with her size and how frightened she seemed. "Come now, I asked you a question. It's quite rude to ignore someone you know, but maybe you don't know, or perhaps you can't talk. Can you talk?" He once again spoke softly, watching as the girl slowly turned her head back to look at him, seeming confused which only made him have to fight off a chuckle.

Hearing his voice again and not seeing anything, Carrie hesitantly turned her head back to him as he spoke to her once again, this time asking if she could talk. Of course, she could, she was too terrified to right now! So instead, she just gave a small nod, staring into one of his big brown eyes.

"Oh, very well then. Hmm. You look rather thin, and you're covered in dirt and your clothes are soaked. Perhaps we should get you something to eat, as well as a bath and new clothes. I'm certain we could think of something. Are you hungry at all?" He questioned as he thought about what he could do for her, trying to think about where he could get her new clothes.

As if on cue, Carrie's stomach growled, too quiet for this human to hear, but loud and strong enough Carrie knew she needed something, so once again she simply just nodded, managing to say just one word. "Y-Yes." She mumbled, almost too quiet for him to even here. 

"Alright," Darren replied calmly as he carried her into the kitchen, lowering his hand as he placed her on her feet on the counter, looking down at her with a kind smile. "Is there anything in particular that you'd like to eat then?" He didn't want to give her something she maybe didn't like, then he'd feel like a total jerk for not bothering to ask her preferences. She may have been tiny, but she seemed fairly human other than that. 

Upon hearing his third question and actually standing on her own now, Carrie closed her eyes slowly. She hadn't really ever gotten the chance to eat much food that humans do, so this might be a rare opportunity for her. Maybe an only one, if this human was only faking his kindness. But looking at his smile, she couldn't help but relax only a bit, able to talk just a tad bit more. "T-Toast, p-please." She manages to stutter out, and that was when he gave a deep chuckle before turning his back to her. Now there was an opening. If she ran, maybe she could find a way to get down off the counter and make a break for it to try and get away. But she was so hungry. Glancing over, she watched as bread was placed in the toaster and closing her eyes she took a moment before making a dash to the edge of the counter.

Darren paused as he was putting the bread away, able to hear a light tapping behind him as he turned and realized they were tiny footsteps of the girl running and reacted swiftly, dropping the bread and shot his hand out to block her path with a frown. He couldn't just let her go back outside in the cold, and he had to somehow convince her to stay.

Before she knew it, Carrie slammed into a wall with a yelp and fell backward onto her back, opening her eyes to see that the wall was indeed his hand. Who did he think he was? Just because he was bigger than her. Now frustrated, she rose to her feet looking up at the human. "Let me go!" She shouted before looking down, shutting her eyes tightly. Now, what was he going to do? She shouldn't have yelled, she probably just sealed her fate. 

Surprised by the sudden exclamation, Darren pulled his hand away from the tiny girl, looking down at her with a frown. "H-Hey now, you shouldn't go back out there, it's cold and wet, and by the looks of you, you really need food and a decent rest, so please, let me help." He pleaded quietly, trying not to frighten her. Even though he didn't like the fact she shouted at him, he still didn't feel it was right for her to be outside all by herself. 

Carrie was uncertain what to do in this situation, but looking at this human, his eyes showed pity and confusion, and his voice had a pleading tone. Could he really be this genuine? Was it possible, that the human cared what happened to her? That couldn't be possible, right? So with a small frown, she went against her better judgment and looked him dead in the eyes, and mustered up every bit of courage she could. "F-Fine, I'll stay."

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