Chapter Seven

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Carrie looked up at Darren with a smile, noticing he seemed to have something on his mind. Curiously, she tilted her head. "Is there something on your mind?" She asked, working through her head how she was going to tell him about her feelings as well. 

"Carrie, tomorrow night a co-worker is coming over for Her name is Lori, and I'm either going to have you stay in here or come and meet her. She's a really nice girl, and I hope you two will get along if you meet." He smiled kindly down at her.

Her heart immediately sunk to her feet, but she kept the smile up, faking it. "Th-That's great! I'm happy for you, I hope it goes well." Lowering her eyes, she had to blink back tears. Why did it hurt so much? Had she really liked him? Footsteps thudded, and she watched Darren leave the room. As soon as his bedroom door clicked shut, she broke down and collapsed onto the bed as she cried into the pillow, trying to stop herself. But she couldn't.  

It hurt so much more than she could have ever imagined. He had been so nice to her, and she now knows that they're only friends, and she'll just have to deal with it. But she couldn't stop the tears running down her face. She couldn't stop the aching in her chest that just as she was about to talk to him about the way she felt, he went and got another date. She thought maybe it was possible that he could feel the same, but he doesn't.

Darren sat in his kitchen, thinking about what entirely to do tomorrow night. It would be best for Lori to meet her, considering Carrie's a friend. But he doesn't know if it would be dangerous as well, considering how scared Carrie was of him just yesterday, but now she seemed relaxed and that's all he wanted. 

After a moment of thinking, he rose from his chair, deciding to go right to bed since he wasn't hungry. As he made his way to the steps and grabbed the railing, a sudden thought passed through his mind as he began to ascend. What would he make for dinner tomorrow? He supposed he could make the chicken again, and the soup too. Although, maybe that wasn't such a great idea. 

Running a hand through his hair he groaned quietly and just entered his bedroom, his chest tightening at the sight. 

Carrie was curled into a ball, crying heavily and trying to stop herself as she heard the heavy footsteps approach the room. She didn't want him to see her like this, and she really didn't need him asking questions. But when she heard the door open and a soft gasp, she buried her face in her hands to try and muffle the sounds as she tried to choke back sobs.

Darren hurried over to the tiny girl, not bothering to ask as he reached out and carefully scooped her into his palm, looking down at her with worry in his eyes, and voice as he spoke. "Carrie, what's wrong?" He asked softly as he brought his other hand up, running a giant finger over her arm.

Just laying in his palm, she managed to calm down just a little bit at the gentle touch, wrapping her arms around his finger when it touched her arm adjust held onto it, managing to catch her breath as she tried to calm herself down. "I-I'm f-fine.." She managed to choke out, her voice cracking which made her slightly angry but was still too upset to care.

"You're obviously not fine." Darren mumbled with a frown as he gently lifted her up between his thumb and index finger, sitting on his bed. "Carrie, please tell me." He pleaded softly. "I'm your friend, I want-" As soon as he began to say that, she seemed to get even more upset. Maybe she didn't want to be his friend? Was he reading this right? That thought made his chest tighten even more. Maybe it was a good thing then he had a date with Lori, if this girl didn't want to be his friend then he'd have Lori. "Fine. I'll just leave you be." He dropped her down onto his pillow and laid on his back, his head beside her. "Sleep well Tiny." He mumbled again as he rolled over onto his side so he wouldn't have to look at her, a slight anger bubbling in him.

If she wanted to be that way fine. If she and Lori didn't get along maybe he could just forget about her. His attitude was changing from when he first saw her, but he didn't really care at the moment. He was able to hear quiet sniffles behind him, and even though he kind of wanted to look, to try and comfort her, he didn't. 

Carrie wasn't sure what he was thinking right now. He sounded angry now, did she do something? Was he upset that she was crying? Maybe that made him mad, she'd have to try and stop so that he didn't get mad at her. She kind of wanted to be alone, but she also wanted to stay right beside Darren.

With a small sniffle, she waited until his breathing changed and signaled he was asleep before she crawled across the pillow and grabbed his finger, pulling his warm hand back over her to make a blanket. It was comfortable the previous night, so she sort of wanted that again. 

Once his hand was back over her, she was slowly able to relax again and her eyes began to close as she drifted off into a deep sleep.

Darren was still awake while this happened. When she fell asleep, he opened his eyes and looked at her with a frown before a small smile fell on his face. She looked kinda cute laying there under his hand like that, and he didn't have the heart to pull it away, no matter how upset he was.  So instead, he closed his own eyes and cleared his head as he forced himself to not move and fell asleep.

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