Chapter Thirteen

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Once Darren finished, he made his way back down the steps and to the kitchen, smiling at her. He was now dressed in a white shirt, black tie and black dress pants, holding a small bag in one hand, hair slicked back so it wasn't in his face. Smiling, he walked over silently as Carrie was facing away before snatching her up in his free hand.

The sudden hand wrapped around her made Carrie squeal, slightly frightened until she saw Darren's amused face grinning at her. "Darren! That wasn't funny!" She yelled at him as she pushed on his hand, heart racing. "You're such a jerk!"

"Awe, come on." He moved her carefully into his palm with a chuckle. "I'm sorry, is that better?" He said with a smile as he began to head out his front door with her in his hand, carefully bringing her close in an attempt to hide her from any other people.

"It's good enough." Carrie mumbled begrudgingly as she shivered, the cold air from outside washing over her, making her wish she had a coat for the weather.

Glancing at her, he closed his hand around her to try and keep her warm. "The car will be warmer." He murmured softly, frowning slightly. "Just hold on a moment, okay? I'll get you warmed up shortly."

With a small nod, Carrie tried to relax in his warm hand, closing her eyes to try and focus on staying warm before she was suddenly dropped onto a hard surface and opened her eyes, looking around to find she was now on the dashboard of his car behind the steering wheel. She then turned and looked out the windshield, watching the car pull out of the drive and sat down as she began to watch it drive down the road.

Darren kept an eye on the tiny woman with the corner of his mouth pulled up in a slight smile. He was glad to see her happy. Unsure exactly why, so he just smiled and went back to watching the road, humming quietly. "Carrie?" He murmured as he glanced at her.

"Yes Darren?" She responded as she stared out the window as rain began to splatter on the windshield. 

"Well, I just-" He stopped and looked back out the window. "Never mind...I'll tell you later after work." A soft sigh passed his lips as he continued driving, humming a light tune to try and clear his head. "I'll most likely keep you at my desk if that's alright. Well, even i it's not alright you're still staying at my desk so no one else sees you." 

"Fair enough big fella." She glanced at him and giggle quietly before the car went over a bump, causing her to bounce in the air only a bit with a yelp, ignoring a deep chuckle coming from behind her. "It's not funny." She mumbled, folding her arms over her chest.

"Whatever you say tiny." He teased as he pulled into a large driveway, parking the car and picked up his bag in one hand, Carrie in the other. "Alright, now be quiet until we get to my desk." He said quietly as he tucked her into a slot in his bag and began to head inside the large office building.

Carrie turned, getting herself situated in the pocket even though it was still uncomfortable. But she knew she just had to wait a couple minutes before she could get out and just stay hidden from the other humans. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms tightly around herself. The bag was cold, considering it was made of leather. But then she heard a door and warmth surrounded her, even if the slot of the bag. She knew they just went inside, and could hear people talking.

People greeting Darren, trying to chat with him but she could hear him say he didn't feel well so he couldn't really talk. Doing everything he could to avoid people to try and keep her safe. These thoughts made a smile fall over her face as she relaxed just a little more before feeling Darren's warm hand surround her, lifting her out of the bag.

Smiling down at the small girl in his hand, he only held her for a moment before placing her on his desk behind a few items, but where she was still in sight. "Alright," he whispered quietly, "Stay right there. You can whisper to me, and I'll respond when I can okay?"

Carrie gave him a simple nod as she seated herself down and picked up a paper clip, twirling it in her hands. It was then a shadow fell over her and her heart stopped before she looked up to see it was Darren's fingers. "Can I have that?" He whispered to her and Carrie nodded, giving it to him with a smile. His desk was a mess, pencils scattered about, paper clips laying everywhere and crumpled up notebook papers.

She got an idea, that maybe once Darren and everyone else went to lunch she would try and straighten up his desk, just a little bit if she could. Just to do something nice for him, so that she could repay him for his kindness even if it wasn't much. So with a smile, she leaned against a large pencil sharpener, listening to voices and just patiently waited for the right time.

It had only been an hour when Darren lightly poked her and smiled. "I'm going to go eat lunch with the coworkers, alright? I'm going to leave you here for a few minutes." With a small smile, he turned away from his desk, leaving Carrie hidden as he left the office room, going to the break room.

Once Carrie didn't hear any more noise, she very slowly crawled out of her hiding place and looked around briefly before she began. She got down on her knees, pushing the pencils into a neat line on his desk. Paper clips she pushed into a pile so he would know where they all were, and she pushed the crumpled papers off the desk into the trashcan that was right beside his desk. This took her maybe a half hour or so and she stood up, smiling at the good job she did.

She began to move back to hiding spot when a shadow fell over and she smiled, expecting Darren or even Lori. "Why, hello there."

Her heart leapt into her throat. She didn't recognize that man's voice at all.

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