Chapter Seventeen

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Darren awoke the following morning, his hair hanging over his face, and his cheeks were covered in almost dry tear tracks. Bringing his hand up, he went and rested it where Carrie would have been, if only she wasn't missing. Closing his eyes, he pushed himself out of bed onto his feet, running his hands through his hair. He planned on spending all day to try and find Carrie, but he didn't feel too well either. 

He noticed he was slightly colder than he should be, and wrapped his arms around his shoulders with a frown.  Shaking his head, he left his bedroom and hurried down the stairs with a slight bit of hope Carrie would be home, even though he doubted it.

It was then that he looked around his living room as he tried to spot the tiny woman, but to no avail, she wasn't there. With a quiet sigh, he made his way to the kitchen, preparing to make breakfast. And then he saw it.

His kitchen window was frosted over and fogged up. His eyes widened as he ran to his front door and threw the door open, seeing snow covering the ground. It had to be about an inch deep, which is a problem because it would at least reach Carrie's knees unless she was risking walking on the sidewalk, which he highly doubted. He didn't even know where she was, maybe she wasn't even trying to get home!

Pushing this thought away, he slammed the door and took off up to his bedroom, changing out of his pajamas into some jeans and a long sleeved shirt, not taking the time to comb his hair and just slipped on some boots as he ran down his steps and out the door all faster than he's ever moved before. She'd be freezing in this weather! He had to find her quick!

With every step, he left a fresh boot print in the snow which could possibly give Carrie some kind of sign if she ever found one of them. With a frown, he searched the snow for tracks. Perhaps there could be something there that gives some sort of sign that Carrie was there. Tiny tracks, trails, there had to be something!

Putting a hand to his head, Darren couldn't believe how cold it had gotten just overnight. It must be so cold for her, and he doesn't want her to freeze to death. He had to admit, that he wanted her safe. And perhaps he did have some feelings for her. After all, that dream he had where they almost kissed. He felt his cheeks heat up ever so slightly, and with a small smile, he continued his search. "Carrie?!" He called out softly, trying not to be too loud as it was still quite early in the morning. 

Glancing around the area outside his house once more, he began to dig through the snow in bits he knew had holes, just in case she might have fallen into one and hit her head like she had when he had first taken her in. After all, she was a very clumsy girl as he believes he has seen. So with a sigh, he continued to look.

Carrie woke up in the morning freezing. She had found a hole in a tree to rest for the night so that she could resume her trek to Darren's home. Opening her eyes slowly, she was horrified to find snow almost completely covering the entrance. Now she had to dig her way out of her temporary shelter to get back home!

Shivering, she wrapped her arms around herself and made her way over to the snow and began to dig. It was cold, and would most likely freeze her hands before she was even done!

So handful by handful, she through the snow back into the hole, making her escape hatch bigger and bigger until she pulled herself out, still shaking like a leaf from the cold. Now her arms and hands were cold instead of just her arms. So with a shiver, she quickly began to trudge through the snow which was up to her knees, making it harder for her to walk. 

Her pants were soaked in a matter in of minutes, half of her legs numb but she knew she had to continue. Closing her eyes for only a moment, she imagined the warm bed, and delicious vegetable soup waiting for her. But the thought of food made her stomach growl loudly. With a small whimper, she kept her arms wrapped tightly around herself to keep herself only slightly warmer than she would be. 

A gust of wind blew, the cold nipping at her bare arms and face as a sob escaped her lips. "Pull yourself together!" She hissed quietly to herself, able to tell that if she didn't get home soon, she'd most likely freeze.

She wants Darren. She wants to snuggle into his warm chest, and feel his warmth. Carrie wants to hear his thundering heartbeat, which is also quite relaxing as well. And most of all, she wants to just hear his voice. The worried tone he'd have when she finds him. Already, she can imagine him scolding her for trying to get home, but she just wants to see him again. 

Tears welled in her eyes as she continued her trek, and she began to quietly sob as she walked. It was cold, she was hungry, and she began to wonder if she would ever make it back to her giant friends caring touch.

Her cold legs then gave out, and she just fell into the cold snow as she continued sobbing quietly. She tried to look around, but only saw white as it was all around her. She began to believe she'd never it back. Never see him again, never taste his delicious cooking or hear his voice. 

And Lori. Lori had to be worried too. Her and Darren had both been trying to find her in the office yesterday. She wasn't as bad as Carrie first imagined, and was happy that she had two friends who cared that much about her. 

Slowly, she started closing her eyes as she gave up. Her heart racing in her chest, warm tears stinging her face now red from the cold. But then, she heard something, quite close but still so far. It was that familiar voice. That deep, smooth voice plated with worry. 

"Carrie?!" Darren was coming to get her. A small smile began to cross her face as she tried to look at him, her heart beginning to overflow with joy and relief as she knew, that he was looking, and that he will find her.

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