What Whisperers?

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The guy glared at Jake, and the girl, who I realised was Emily from before, beamed down at me and picked me up, I snuggled closely to her, as the little girl started at me and her older sister in disbelief and the boys continued their glaring match.

“He wasn’t the one that pushed me” the girl hissed to her brother, “she was” she pointed at me sucking my thumb, cuddling her older sister. Her brother looked at her like she had lost her marbles and came to me to tickle my chin.

“This little thing?” he cooed, tickling me as I giggled and screamed in delight.

‘You, my friend are such a fake’ Jake said shaking his head.

‘Who cares, I’m cute and you know it’

I felt a searing pain in my scalp and let out a little tearful yelp. She had pulled my hair for absolutely no apparent reason. I composed myself and began softly sobbing in Emily’s tee shirt while her brother scolded his little sister. Emily slowly rocked me to and fro and was gently rubbing my head when my brother came to me.

“Are you okay?” he asked, worry was drowning his features. He was running his hand up and down my tiny body, looking for any injuries. Jack was frowning when he walked up to me and took me from Emily’s arms; her heart skipped a beat when their arms brushed. I clung onto his hoodie and whimpered as I looked down at the girl who was staring daggers at me.

Emily realised and scolded her sister even more, the girl, whose name was Gemma, pinched me hard in the leg, than ran off, but not before she hissed the classic ‘I’ll get you!’ Stalk much? I started crying than because… well, she pinched me! I mean, do I know her?! The pinch was bright red and was going to create a purple bruise the next day, in fact, it was already turning purple, and swelling.

Girl got you good’ Jake chuckled.

‘Shut your mouth, women!’

‘Ouch you really hurt my ego’ he said flatly.

‘FYI, if I wasn’t sobbing my tiny little heart out, I would have slapped you’ I replied, mirroring his tone.

'Yeah right, little girl, like you can hurt a fly’, this, of course was the biggest mistake he could make, I felt for his arm and when I touched the inner part, under his armpits, I grabbed a tiny clump of skin and squeezed.

I listened to the sweet music of him whimpering like a girl as he dropped me. I landed on my feet and ran to Emily who was still staring at Jake. I held her hand tightly and hugged her, burying my face into the crook of her neck as she raised me to her chest. I knew she was still staring at him but she was also think that if he made a move to grab me she was going to stab him with a blunt kitchen knife 13 times.

She wasn’t joking.

She didn’t do it, but I could feel the sincerity in her head. Jake shifted uneasily from one foot to the other and after a while and a ‘don’t try it, she’s a psycho’ look from my brother, he took off, with my brother and left.

When Emily was out of her daze and retuned all her attention to me, I showed her the bruise her sister gave me, which was quickly turning purple. She muttered a string of swear words that I knew if her mother had heard her, she would have been on the nearest ship to the North Pole, disowned.

“That girl, is so dead”, I heard her whisper.

After she put me down, I quickly tuned into Jake's line of energy, I could feel a vibration in the line, and I felt that he was talking to someone. I mostly focused on what he was saying, so that I could boost my hearing and listen.

“But she’s only three!” I heard Jake hiss. He was talking about me, this could be interesting. I would just read his mind and see what he was thinking, and where this conversation was leading to but I couldn’t, something told me I shouldn't read his mind, that I should hear this part of the story.

“She’s three now, but watch when she grows up to be the strongest whisperer in the history of the universe. If you don’t do this, you are putting your whole race in danger! Think about your friends, your family, and the people you love. You have to do this.” It was an unfamiliar voice I had never heard before. It was male and about 31 years old. His line of energy was a dirty blue; it was literally blue, with clumps of black on it… weird.

“I refuse to do this; I will not kill an innocent child, who knows, maybe she’ll grow up to-“

“Whisperers don’t grow up to be anything Jake, you know that, once the oracle has spoken, her word is final, it will happen, and you have to be the one to kill her! Check, see for yourself! If the oracles were lying you can see.”

“How do you know she just didn’t interpret the signs wrong?”

“Because she hasn't been wrong for over three thousand years”

Someone wants me dead… why? What did I do? Before I knew what I was doing I ran up to the man and started crying.

“I didn’t steal the jelly squids, I swear” I said in between sobs. “I’ll even pay for it, just don’t kill me! I’m too young to die!” I screamed the last part, and it was then that I realised every pair of eyes in the shop were looking at me. I felt my brother hug me from behind protectively.

“No one is going to die, calm down Nat. Jeez paranoid much?” Jake was saying, but I knew he was lying. The man that was with him wanted me dead, he saw me as some kind of threat… and something told me it wasn’t about the jelly squids I saw Gemma take this morning.

After the excitement was over, and my brother and I had returned home, I sat in bed thinking about what The Man from the Supermarket was saying. What kind of threat was I? How come Jake was the only person that could kill me? What are whisperers? And most importantly, if Jake was meant to be a bad guy, how come he refused to kill me?

I was so confused; I kept tossing and turning all through my sleep. I didn’t know who to trust anymore, my instincts tell me to trust Jake and not my brother, but I heard Jake plotting with the other guy to kill me, and I trust my brother with my life.

Another thing that was nagging me, was the fact that he said the oracles were never wrong, that I will be a threat when I grow up, but if I got killed, that would make them wrong, because then… I’ll be dead, what kind of threat would I be if I was dead?

When I woke up the next morning, I had decided to avoid Jake at all costs and my brother too. I would lock myself up for the rest of the day, or week, until I feel it’s safe to go outside. I was just getting out of bed when my mother called me down, so much for staying in my room all day; this was literally the first time I can remember she had actually called me down. Coincidence much…

She told me it was my turn to take out the trash; I didn’t even know we took turns. She told me that I was old enough to take it out and the faster you learn it the longer your life would be… not while The Man from the Supermarket was still after me it wasn’t.

I dragged the bag out of the house and swung it into the garbage bin. Before I knew what was happening, I heard Jake call out my name, The Man from the Supermarket was standing right in front of me, with a metal pole in his hands. He lifted the pole, and landed it at the back of my head, than the world went black, I couldn’t see anything. My body made a muffled thud as it hit the damp ground, great, now my clothes were all dirty, this was my favourite dress! I felt myself slip in and out of consciousness, and all I wanted to do was give in and let death take me to the other side (dum dum duuuuuumm). It was, after all, what they wanted.

The voce in my head was telling me to hang on, to not give in, but it seemed like I didn’t have a choice, my senses dimmed, and I felt myself falling into the cold, dark grips of oblivion, where I could just close my eyes, and be rocked into a deep peaceful sleep from which I may never return.

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