Drunk On Ribena

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Jake's POV:

“Nat, get down from there right now!” I screamed at her, she would never listen to me, it’s been almost a year that’s she’s lived in the dome and now she has every power you can think of, it’s not funny when you’re the one that has to take care of her.

“why is the moon getting bigger?” she said in the voice that I will never get used to, it was cold and detached, I knew she was talking to the teddy bear we got her…. Or gummy bear depends on how you look at it.

Her voice carried away from where she was at the very top of the dome, which was where she has been sitting ever since she came back with Emily. I hadn’t had time to ask her why she wanted Sheila dead. I don’t think I want to know now.

Emily had come the day after the whole scene with Sheila, with Sheila and Nat in each arm, Sheila was sobbing, shouting ‘he’s gone, and he isn’t coming back!’ before I asked I already knew who was dead. It was her dad. He hit fifty and like every alpha before him, was killed.

She knew it was coming, it’s been going in for a few generations now, I don’t particularly know why she was so upset. Don’t judge, I’m not heartless, it’s just with all things happening, I knew there were more important things then a suspected death.

Nat was suspiciously quiet though, she had a cold look on her face that matched her voice when she spoke. “Get over it, your dad died, we all saw it coming, it’s not as if you particularly like him” she sneered.

We all stared at her in disbelieve and she turned to glare at all of us. “What? I’m sick of her crying, as if she cares, boo hoo, ya dad died, build a bridge out of your snot honey, no one wants to hear it!”

She stormed out of the room Emily was still gripping her but when Nat turned around to hiss in her face she let go like it was a hot potato. Nat had her head held high at walked out of the room, slamming the door after her.

There was a ruffling about inside and she came out with her teddy bear and went back outside. She went missing for about a week, no one knew where she went and we were getting frantic wondering if she was safe.

When she was back, bear still in hand, every one crowded around her asking her where she was and if she was okay, if she had a safe trip wherever she went. She just looked at them and rolled her eyes.

“no I died three times when I got out of the dome, then five when I was coming back” her voice was still cold and so was her sarcasm, “but why would you care, you don’t actually care about what happens to me, your all idiots!”

I turned a concerned eye on her, “of course we care, we all love you” she laughed humourlessly at this.

“Yeah, which was why you took me away from the only family I had left, right? Because stalking me every day of you boring lives just wasn’t enough” her voice faltered, but she composed herself and carried on.

“Sitting in a bush, waiting for me to go out alone for a few seconds so you can bang my head and knock me out because you loved me. Dragging me here and not even letting me tell my own parent and brother that I was okay was because…”

She shook her head, not even bothering finishing the sentence, she sent us all a glare, one that could make the toughest serial killer drop right dead, I wanted to comfort her, and I made a suggestion.

“Why don’t we bring your brother here then? He’s a whisperer and he can live here with you, it’s what you want right?” her eyes widened in what was the first emotion- and last- she showed that night, fear.

“No!” she shouted, a little too quickly, and held her hand out, pointing at me; she narrowed her eyes and let out a puff, miraculously still showing no emotion. She wiped her hand ion my direction and I felt something weird come to me.

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