Hostage Yet?

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Nat’s POV

When I woke up I found Jack looking down at me from the side of my bed, my first instinct was to run, but something told me that I shouldn’t, that he wasn’t here to hurt me. Just like the giant gummy bear told me, my head didn’t hurt any more. If she thought I would believe I am a gummy bear, she must be made. The way she hit me was completely uncalled for.

Speaking of, I remembered the way she said I could make whatever I wanted by just thinking it, no time like the present to practice. I closed my eyes and saw myself swimming in jelly squids; I tasted the sweet strawberry and blackcurrant taste that sent tingles round my jaw bone if I smiled while eating it; I smelled the plastic smell of the wrappers, than instantly excluded it, I couldn’t be asked to unwrap every single one. I received a message from him telling me he won’t harm me, I already knew that. I sat in a lotus position and made myself comfortable, while carelessly munching on squids. He looked an awkward sight; the tension in the air was thick and he was shifting as if not knowing what to do with his life.

Finally after thirty long painful seconds of unmoving silence, I decided to break the ice.

“hey”, I said as casually as I could, I was kidnapped, I knew I was, because I didn’t recognise the room I was lying in, and I had a stranger right next to my bed. I watched as his eyes widened in disbelief. She’s saying it so casually, as if she hadn’t just been kidnapped. I widened my eyes to look clueless and innocent.

“I’m kidnapped?” I said, sarcasm coating my word thickly. I don’t think he caught it though because next thing I knew he was thinking, oops… I didn’t mean to say that out loud.

“You didn’t, but for some reason I heard you?” it came out as a question, but in reality it was a realisation statement. For a reason I could not comprehend, I wasn’t really surprised I could listen to his thoughts; mostly I would just know what people are thinking, but not hear them say it. I think something in me knew I could do it.

I stated teasing him because he got punched in the face by an old lady, and actually got hurt. I didn’t know he would leave me here though, I thought he would stay with me. I didn’t want him to go away, I wanted him to stay, or take me with him, when I realised how ridiculous the thoughts were, and I decided to go on the offensive.

‘Shouldn’t you get going to frame… whoever it is you’re framing…?’ I telepathically told him casually.

‘Yeah, I actually do have to get going, before every one wakes up… it’s Saturday, so most people would be sleeping in, I’ll be right back I promise’

‘Like I care if you come back or not’ I grunted, but deep down I knew I wanted him to come back. I didn’t know him that well but I knew him best, and I trusted him, I don’t know how but I’m certain that he won’t hurt me, and that he never wanted to. I heard him think, nice to know I’m loved.

I was about to make a snarky comment about how he kidnapped me and expects me to love him... it sounded cliché, I had heard it before, but I was suddenly overwhelmed by a depressing feeling, I instantly knew what it was, it was guilt. Weird thing was, it was me feeling guilty... it was Jake.

I don’t know what came over me, but I couldn’t help but think that if Jake was the bad guy, than why was he feeling guilty? This is so confusing, I don’t know what is going on anymore, part of me is thinking, you should know all this. The other part, the big part, was telling me that there was something really wrong with me and I didn’t like it one bit.

Just then, as The Man from the supermarket came into the room, without realising it I went into a defensive stance, and growled, yes growled, at him. He looked taken aback, but I was beyond caring, this guy kidnapped me. How dare he, I didn’t even know him!

Calm down kiddo, I won’t hurt you, well, not any more than I already have,” he said smirking. He tried to peer at the back of my head, but when he saw the gash gone, he frowned.

“How did you…?”

“I healed”, I casually said, “build a bridge and get over it,”


“Oh, I’m sorry, because last time I checked, people that got kidnapped, you’re not meant to be all ‘oh thank you so much for kidnapping, and almost killing me, sir. I know, to show my gratitude, I can get you a nice cup of coffee and we can eat biscuits and talk about knitting’”

He raised an eyebrow, “you know that might not be such a bad idea, I like my coffee with three sugars, there for free, just say it’s for Bruce jones, and I’ll get biscuits from my office,” I knew he was being sarcastic but, this I just had to do.

I made my eyes go huge and brown, so that it looked cute and innocent, oh gosh, I know what she’s going to do… she’ll try to make me do something. I heard him think, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. What a wuss. Anyway, not drifting away from the activity in hand, I turned to ace him, and slapped a huge happy grin on my face.

“Really,” I said, “cause, I’d really love than, I mean I know I’m kidnapped and stuff, but I LOVE coffee with a capital, L O V E!” I dance out the letters as I spelled them, like a cheerleader.

He was staring at me as if I was some beautiful shell he found on a seaside, I listen to his thoughts, and had to bite a huge chunk out of my cheek not to burst out laughing.

Too… cute… have to do what she says…

No Bruce, stay strong, it’s a trick.

Nat… too sweet

Stay Strong!


“Okay, I’ll do it, here you go, and you can get a few sweets while you’re at it” he said defeated.

My face went hard, and I started at him with cold emotionless eyes.

“You took me away from my family,” came out low and dangerous, “you try to kill me, and tell another guy to kill me, than you scream at him because he refuses to kill an innocent three year old. You don’t deserve to live”

I realised he was smirking, amusement painted all over his face, and I made a decision, my purpose in life, was to wipe that stupid smirk off his idiotic face. Without warning, I lunged at him with my arms out stretched and landed on his chest. I started clawing at his face and screaming, trying to punch him as hard as I can.

By the time I got up, his face was a bloody mess, he had scratch marks all over his cheeks, his eyes were swollen shut, and the smirk was gone. I was then that I realise there were hot tears running down my face, I hastily wiped them away, and satisfied with my work I stood up, sat on my bed in a lotus position, and starting munching on the remaining jelly squids.

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