Escaping Fire

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Jack’s POV:

When I walked into whisperers Inc. I was again, greeted with the weird looks, but most of them were stifled giggles. What did she do this time? I sure hope she didn’t kill Timmy.

I went to the receptionist and asked the million dollar question. “Where is Nat?”

She looked up at me, startled, as if she hadn’t seen me coming. I growled at her fright and she composed herself in an emotionless mask. “Miss Natasha is in room 156 Master Nate requested her arrival about an hour ago. He would prefer not to be disturbed, if you don’t mind.”

“Has she killed Timmy yet?” I asked warily.

She snorted in response, which earned her another growl from me, and cleared her throat hastily. “N-no” she stuttered pathetically. “Although she did manage to temporarily paralyse him…” I shot her a questioning glare and she shrugged helplessly.

‘Paralyzing him?’ I questioned her telepathically.

‘Soz, I zoned out then he thought I was dead so he slapped me, what can I say? Every action has a reaction.’

‘You are a mystery to me!’

‘Hey, there’s this guy called Nate, he’s my friend now.’ I could hear the smile in her voice.


‘Yeah, but I think mate suits him better, you know, Nate my Mate.’

‘Ha. Ha. That was Oh, so funny.’

‘Shut your gob women. Hang on; I need to throw a tantrum…’


‘This guy needs to know I mean business, he’s been picking on me ever since I made him trip on the buggy!’

‘You made Nate trip on a buggy?’

‘Not Nate, silly, Unknown Delinquent.’

‘And I’m meant to know who that is, do I?’

‘He’s the guy that woke me up’ I could feel her shrug.

‘So he woke you up, and you decided to trip him in a buggy?’

‘Err… no? He was rocking me too violently so I made a buggy appear so he can put me in it, and he ended up tripping on it. Not my faults see.’

‘So what did he do this time?’

‘Soz gotta go. Byezies…’

I didn’t need to wait too long to figure out what she was throwing a tantrum on. After about 30 seconds, I heard a really loud crashing noise, windows shattering, and a certain someone screaming. I was shocked at first, but after I composed myself enough to hear what she was saying.

I had to chant she’s only four, to stop myself from going in and binning her.

“I WAS PROMISED FLYING MONKEYS!” she screamed. She meant business alright, I said once, I said it twice. That girl is mentally unstable.

Just then, Michael, who, if I am not mistaken, was Unknown Delinquent, flies out of the room, taking half the door with him, and there, as the dust cleared was Nate, with his eyes black with rage. He did look a sight.

Okay so I was being over dramatic, but it did look like something you see in action movies, cliché, I know.

“Anyone else wants to mess with my mate?!” he growled. He was looking around, and every time his eyes landed on someone, they shook their heads fearfully. Half of them were white with fright and the other half were staring daggers at the floor as if it just killed their grandma.

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