First Day At School

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Jake’s POV:

By now, I thought Nat would be hyperventilating, but in reality, she was kinda cool about that fact that she was going secondary school. I was just happy I don’t have to carry her limp body if she fainted.

“Do you WANT me to faint? Cuz I can faint, hell, I can fake a death!”

“You learned how to stop you heart beating?”

“Yeah…” she said as she scratched her nose.

“Who got that?”

“I dunno…”

She became all quiet all of a sudden and walked ahead into the building. She stopped and her face lit up, as if she just found something out.

“Oh, my god!” she screamed, “I just found out what power Timmy has!”


“He knows what people are… and then he knows what power they have… I think he’s the poor idiot the named my power copy and paste…”

“Hey, come to think of it, I think he did… poor idiot” he replied making a face.

This blond girl that was Stacey’s friend… don’t remember her name, came up to Nat, and looped her hand in hers.

“Ma dayz Stace, I mean ya could’ve at least told me ya were gunna go. Serious, just like disappear like dat, man though you were dead babes”

“What are you talking about? As soon as I left, you kissed my boyfriend, and you started going out with him, there’s this social site called Facebook, it keeps me updated. Might wanna check it out sometime when you’re not busy snoggin my ex, and bein’ a bimbo.”

Blond girl and I were left gawking at her in disbelief. That girl knew how to be a drama queen. And the awesomest thing was, that was exactly how Stacey would have reacted

Blond girl glared at me, and I did the most mature thing you can do in a position like this… “Oooh, girl got ya bad!” and ran after ‘Stacey’.

Nat was hugging herself and her eyes were glassy, when she sensed me coming her way, she took off running to the toilets.

Nat, what’s up?!’

‘how can people do that to their friends, she used to be Stacey’s best friend, and Stacey trusted her with her life… and once she was gone, she goes and does that!’

I sighed; this girl was innocent and trusted any one that would smile at her. What was I thinking making her come here?

Then the penny dropped, ‘this isn’t about Stacey is it?’ I banged on the entrance of the girls bathroom, and Stacey pocked her head out, tears streaking her face.

You don’t think Oliver would do that to me, do you?’

‘Kiss your boyfriend?’

She snorted, ‘no, dumbass, I meant betray me like that, he wouldn’t go and help you kill me, will he?’

‘If I think about it hard enough, I may be able to see a vision of it… I’ll do it as soon as I get a private moment, kay’


‘Now cum ‘ere’

I took her head and kissed the top of it. I would do anything to make the tears go away, she was so little and fragile…

Someone cleared their throat and we both looked up, blonde girl was staring at us and behind her was a crowed of girls that wanted to go to the toilet, and a bunch of nosey teenagers.

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