In The Dark Dark Cave

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The ocean: a body of water that takes up most of the world's surface. It contains many different species, known and unknown to man.

That's what the ocean is according to Jake. But right now, I see something a whole lot scarier than just a body of water. I see waves three times the size of me. I see everything on the boat rock and roll violently as the boat swerves, dodging the next huge wave, and then focusing on keeping itself alive.

That was what we were doing right now, me and Beebe, we were keeping ourselves alive, and even though we had enough supplies to last us a life time, we didn't want to be stranded on a remote island having no idea where the heck we were.

So we were trying our best to keep on the planned route. Even though the storm was consuming, the ocean was raging, and an extremely ferocious black. The way the boat was groaning, I didn't think it would hold on much longer.

I held Beebe tightly in my arms and whispered for him to hold tight, everything was going to be alright. I was saying it more for my benefit then his, to be honest, because right now, I didn't give a hoot what happened to Beebe, I just wanted to make sure Kai was ok.

"It isn't going to be okay, though. Will it, Nat?" Beebe whimpered.

"Shut up" I snapped back, I didn't need the negative energy right now. I needed to stay calm and collected. It was the only way I could think of a plan to get us out of here.

The storm persisted, scarier than ever before. The boat flipped over, leaving us under it, the ocean knocking it about. I took a deep breath as Beebe grabbed onto my neck. I hauled myself to the flipped boat chair that was technically just a plank built into both sides.

I lied down on the plank and merged myself with the plank and soon enough, both Beebe and I were turned to wood. It was a huge risk, since if the bench breaks then so will we, but we didn't have any other hope of not drowning

One of the plus sides of turning into wood was that I had no need to breath. Of course, it was dead wood we were talking about. There had to be a live tree nearby for me to turn into a real life tree.

I couldn't move a muscle... well, I could, but they were so tense in anticipation that I couldn't make myself move. I was lying on the back of the bench, calmly and quietly waiting for my fate while Beebe was crying his eyes out screaming 'we're all going to die!' I would have told him to shut up, but like I said, I couldn't move.

It felt like hours later that the boat shuddered and I quickly turned us back to flesh and cloth. Beebe flopped onto the sand that had appeared to under us, with a soft thud.

I looked around at the strangely familiar island. I had been here before, but when? The thought of me coming to a place in a past life and still remembering it now made me shudder. It meant that this place was really, really important to me, or my destiny.

"How do you know this is the right island?" Beebe asked pointing at all the other islands in view on the horizon. I giggled at the amount of islands we could have landed on.

"This one's familiar. I know it from somewhere" I clarified to him. He looked at all the crooked trees and the spider webs, missing the beautiful ocean and the whiteness of the sand, then shuddered.

"But anything can be familiar here" he whined at me, "How do you know that all those islands aren't exactly the same as this one?"

"No two islands are the same" I muttered. "Just as no two jegoramas are" he nodded in agreement.

"So, do you know who were looking for?" I tried to reach out to Kai's energy, but I came up with nothing. I couldn't connect to anything around here. It was seriously freaky. I tried to manifest a compass or something, but nothing worked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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