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Sitting in that pen all I could think about is shifting back, witch consequently ends up with me thinking about my human form.
After about five minutes of picturing me, I shifted, all my clothes in perfect tact. Even my beanie is perfectly situated on my head. All except my shoes, when I looked down all I saw were bare toes wiggling in sandy dirt. I did a little dance that probably made me look insane. I climbed the fence, still celebrating my small victory. I ducked behind a few trees, jumped a few bushes, and climbed a few rocks, fulfilling my childhood dreams of being a ninja. I peered over a rock a few hundred meters from the pen, I saw Io come out holding a long whip, with dark ruddy brown stains I assumed were blood covering it. I gulped, the end had a sharp point on it, made of steel I think.
'Um ok I think I'm done being a cool ninja!' I whimpered to Ena
'Don't let that whip touch us.'
'Steel is to horse shifter, as silver is to werewolf.' She said, making a terrible impression of my old English teacher.
My eyes grew wide, 'Oh.'
I sniffed the air, the wind was blowing towards me, so I knew a wolf was coming from the right, it smelled of  lemon.
I turned toward it, its fur was midnight black, with a splatter of  white on its rump, witch spread in a beautiful way. It was small, for a wolf at least, it would reach to my belly in horse form. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!" I said nerviously, with a stupidly big grin pasted on my face, trying, and failing, to sound casual.
"I am not stupid. I know you are not a wolf." She sniffs in my direction, "You are a Horse."
'Crud.' I say to Ena
"Welp you know my secret!" I said a shaky plan for getting away forming in my head.
The overgrown dog narrowed her eyes. She crept forward and I backed away. Smiling like an idiot.
My back slammed into a tree.
NoT pArT oF tHe PlAn
Starting to panic I looked around for an escape. There was no opening.
Why must all my plans be thwarted?!
Her paw touched me and electricity raced through my body like a bolt of lightning. Our eyes grew wide.
I reached out, but she backed away, tail between her legs. She turned tail, and ran.
I looked longingly after her, but I didn't run after the mesmerizing wolf.

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