Funeral's Suck

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Sam and I both knew this would be a hard time for Steve, when he awoke from the ice, he had no one, but when he found out Peggy was still alive, he was just grateful she was there with him. Hearing the love story behind Steve and Peggy was heartbreaking, especially when I heard him say he still owed her a dance. Love is something you definitely shouldn't fuck with.

I watched as Steve and five other people I didn't know, carry Peggy's casket to the front. Steve takes a seat by me, as I grabbed his hand. He looked over at me with a gracious nod. I hadn't known Steve for long, only about two years. But we got along like we had known each other for decades. He was like a brother to me, someone I'd never want to lose. As it started I kept my eyes glued to the ground. I had never been to a funeral before, but I had seen movies, and I didn't like them. There depressing and everyone cried, I hated to cry, so I didn't look up. It started out with a minister talking.

"Now, we would like to invite Peggy's niece, Sharon Carter to the stand." Sam lightly nudged me as I looked up. Agent 13 and I have had a few run ins, she looked down from her place straight into my eyes. I was aware of Sharon and Cap's scattered history. I nudged Cap as he looked up at me, and I signalled to Sharon on the stage. Cap cleared his throat as his face showed utter surprise.

"While most knew her as Founder of Shield, I knew her as aunt Peggy." Cap and Sharon locked eyes. "She had a picture in her office, Aunt Peggy with JFK, that's why I never told anyone we were related, it was very intimidating." There were a few laughs, "She excelled in a lot of things, in work and battle, and that's two things people didn't want women to excel in. She was a huge inspiration to me. She once told me something that would stick with me for years to come, she said, 'Never back down from what you believe is right, because if you are right, you will prevail'."

As the funeral ended Sam went to get the car started as I searched for Steve. He was leaned against a pew, with Nat in front of him. I decided to leave them alone as Nat pulled Steve into a hug. I walk and stood by Sam, who had started the car.

"I guess we should have inferred Sharon and Peggy's last names were the same." Sam states as I chuckle, "Very true." Just as I say that, Nat appears next to me.

"Ivy, could we talk?" She asks, I nod at Sam walking with Nat to the side of the church. "Look, I know what side you're on, but I'd really appreciate it if you came with me to the United Nations Panel for the ratification of the accords." I wanted to be there for Steve, but I also wanted to go to Vienna and meet King T'Chaka. I knew I wasn't going to sign the accords because I didn't agree with them, but I wanted to be at the meeting, to show my point of not signing, and to apologize for the destruction we had caused. "I'll come," I nod, that's all I needed to say for Nat to smile at me, "Meet me in the car out front when you're ready." She says pulling me into a hug. I walked over to Sam and Steve, who were quietly talking amongst themselves. I pat Steve on the back.

"You gonna be alright, old man?" I ask as he smiles down at me, "As always," I pull him into a hug, "I'm going with Nat to the accords ratification meeting." I state, Steve furrows his eyebrow, "I'm not going to sign it, I just want everyone to know our angle on all of this, just so they don't think we're assholes." Sam and Steve both nod as I shake Sam's hand. "Take care of him, I'll be back soon." I say as Sam laughs.  

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