Your Bucky

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Tony's Compound

"Ivy, could we talk?" Cap asks as I land a calculated punch to the sternum of a practice dummy. The practice room was practically empty, Nat was in the corner talking with Agent Carter, and Rhodey was practicing fire arms in the gun range. I pulled of my sweaty gloves and pushed my damp hair from my face. "What's up?" I question, he takes a hold of my forearm, dragging me farther from anyone else in the room.

"I need you to be honest with me," He states making my heart quicken its pace. I kept my stare straight into his eyes, not looking away for a moment. "Did something happen with you and Bucky the night he disappeared?" As the words tumble out of his mouth, I swallow hard, keeping his gaze. "What do you mean?" I asked, my brows furrowed. "Did you fight him, did he hurt you? I just want to find out his motive for leaving us." The questions flooded out of his mouth as I leaned against the wall.

"That night, you know, he was brainwashed and was suppose to kill me. I yelled his name and he remembered me." Steve nods slowly as I poured out what had happened. "He remembered you without having to get hurt?" Cap asks as I nod. "Nothing else happened?" He questioned with his eyebrows furrowed. I nodded convincingly. He took a deep breath, "So, just hearing your voice, made him come back." I nodded slowly as Cap pursed his lips, "Alright, we'll talk later, see you tonight for the mission." I raised my head in a nod and a wave as he shuffles out. I pushed my hair behind my ears and slid down the wall till I was sat on the floor.

I've learned a lot about my powers, and just like Banner said, there's a lot more to them. I could channel most of my powers Banner says there's more, but for now, I'll take what I can get.


As I suited up I walked out into where the rest of the team were. Cap and Sam were stood off to the side, talking amongst themselves. Wanda was drinking a cup of coffee while Nat was loading up some guns.

"Ready?" Wanda asks as I nod. It was about an hour's flight to Lagos, we had to stop Rumlow, someone I didn't know, from getting some serum, I fell asleep in the debriefing. Cap went over the battle plan as I nodded tiredly. "Ivy, we need you on the top floor, there are five up top, can you handle it?" I nod, too tired to come up with a snarky remark.

I was exhausted due to the amount and effort I put into trying to hunt down James. I ran over scenarios in my head of why he left, but it drove me insane not to know. It hated me to think he was alone, with him thinking he was some monster. Being alone is the worst for someone who is not happy with themselves. People become self destructive when their alone.

"We're gonna drop ya down, alright?" Cap says, I stand up, stretching my limbs. The jet hatch opens as I instantly jump out.

"Your Parachute!" Cap yells from the plane. Panic hits my heart as I free fell. "Oh SHIT!" I yell, as I get closer to the ground I brace for impact. But everything goes silent as the wind that was hitting my face stopped. I open my eyes, seeing a red essence surrounding me as I floated gently to other side of the building. "Thanks Wanda." I say in the earpiece, "Ivy, did you not sleep last night?" Cap asks. I spot the five soldiers, "Nah, but that woke me up," I say silently. The team laughs as I spring into action. The building was tall, at least four stories.

The sun beat down on my face as I peeked around the corner of large air conditioner. I throw a rock at the first ones head kicking him over the side of the building, one down. The other four spread out, shooting towards me, I dive behind a heater type thing as bullets rickisha of the metal. They didn't quite see me attack the man, but they saw him fall over the side of the building. The guns stop as I flip over the top, elbowing one of the men in the face, grabbing his gun jamming the gun into his temple, he drops instantly, two down. A bullet screeches past my head as I spring backwards, shooting one in the leg, he drops down screaming in pain, three down. I hear one sneaking up behind me as I spin around, leg raised, kicking the man straight in the jaw. He drops like a sack of potatoes, four down. The last one throws down his gun and slams his hand against his chest, as if to say he wanted hand to hand combat. He was a burly man, had a beard that seemed to catch the dust floating by. I roll my eyes, I shoot the gun at his chest, but just low enough to not kill him. "I'm too tired to fight you man." I say yawning. He falls back, grabbing at his chest, five down.

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