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Kylie's pov  )

Jack and I had woken up a few hours ago and at the moment we were watching a movie. I started feelings strange. My head started hurting. But that has happened a few times this week so imma just ignore it. A few minutes later I start feeling my eyes getting heavy. I let them close slowly. " Hey Ky I'm gonna call your mom and tell her you're gonna spend the night. " Jack says. " But she's out of town " I say. " I know but she still needs to know that" Jack says. " Okay " I say with my eyes still closed. " why DONT you go go JJ and I's room and lay down in my bed " jack says rubbing my back. I mumble a response. " be quiet though because JJ isn't feelings that well he went to the doctors during school bc his back was hurting badly. That's just what he told me soooo yeah " Jack says. " Okay " I say.

I go to their room and I lay on his bed. " hey Ky" I hear someone say. " hi JJ " i say yawning. " how are you " he asks. " shhh I'm sleeping " I say. He chuckles and stays quiet. I hear jack come into the room a few minutes after. I feel  Jack huh me under the three blankets I was wrapped up in. " Kylie. You're burning up. Are you okay " Jack says feeling my forehead.

" my head just hurts. I feel strange I don't feel good but I don't feel bad " I say with my eyes still closed. " Okay. JJ  Go get some fever medicine. And get her a glass of water too " Jack says. JJ goes downstairs and gets the stuff. " Here Kylie sit up and take these pills and drink some water " Jack says helping me sit up. " Jack I'll be fine. I'll change the pillow case and I'll sleep downstairs in the couch. You just relax in your bed. You're fine. Thank you " I say after taking the pills and drinking the water. " No you're fine. You can stay here " Jack says. " Jack I don't want to get you sick " I say. I grab the pillow I was on and I head downstairs I lay them on the couch and I start falling asleep when I hear footsteps going down the stairs. I open my eyes and I see jack with a blanket and a pillow.  He places then next to me. " Jack I'm gonna get you sick. Stay away please " I say " I don't care. I don't want you to sleep alone. Especially if you're sick. If you need anything I'm here " He says laying down and passing out almost immediately. I roll my eyes. My head falls onto the pillow and my world turns into darkness almost instantly and fantasies take over my mind.

I wake up and run straight to the bathroom and throw up . I feel someone put my hair up in a bun and pat my shoulder , I look up and it's jovani , he smiles and I nod because I don't want to smile because 1 my teeth are full of throw up 2 Morning breath 3 I'm gonna throw up agai.... Plargh ( throw up sound ) . I wipe my mouth after throwing up more . " good morning well more like bad morning because throwing up is not what you want to see right when you wake up " i says hugging jovani . " HAHA morning boo " he chuckled , " you aren't gonna stop calling me boo " I say , " noPe " he say stopping the 'P' . I roll my eyes . I go to the couch and lay down . JOVANI lays down next to me , " jovani get away im sickkkkk " i say trying to push him off , " I don't care !" He says , " Let me GO " I yell , " BUT I LOVE YOU " he yells , " morning kids " Mama Jara says , " morning " me and jovani say , " jovani get the hell  off of her " She says , " But I love her " he pouts , " I don't love you anymore jovani " I say , " gasp ) oh my gawd !  I'm breaking up with you " jovani says , " that's fine with me , I got 99 problems and you're all of them , say what " I say smirking , '' you're so mean " he says FAKE crying and running to his blankets on the other couch and covering himself in them . I laugh . " you guys are so cute " She says , " uhh jovani isn't cute " I say , " You're so mean " Jovani says , but it's muffled from  the blanket so it sounds like ' York sun beef ' . " Have you told them yet " Mama Jara whispered to me , " told them what " I say confused at first , " the thing " she says , " oh no I'm gonna tell them soon ..... but I'm nervous " i say , " why you're just gonna tell them some news , you'll  do perfect " she says hugging me , Julian walks in and hugs me and kisses my cheek which we always do (  it's a Hispanic thing I swear ) , " morning sis , how was your morning " Julian says sitting down

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