Ada is best friends with 99goonsquad , She has a secret YOUTUBE channel , She tells goonsquad and tells them she's going on tour , Mikhaella and goonsquad get to go , And other youtubers are gonna be on tour , will she fall for one if them . What h...
Adas pov ) I looked up and saw Jonas looking at me smiling . I smiled back ,
( at the Awards ) We just entered the red carpet. Right now I'm being blinded by all these camera . " Ada I love you , I've been supporting you for a year if you hear this say I love you Bby " I hear a supporter say , " I love you more baby " I say smiling wide . I start hearing sobs from that supporter , " don't cry , if I could see I would run to you and hug you but I'm being blinded right now " I say laughing , she laughs . Me and Mikhaella pose together , Mikhaella walks over to Julian and pose with him . Jonas walks behind me and hugs me and smiles , I hear more clicks . Me and Jonas smile and pose together , " are you guys dating " I hear many people shout , " No we aren't " I say . I wave at supporters and other musers . We walk off the red carpet into the arena , " OKAY guys imma GO to the bathroom " I say , everyone goes too except Jonas because he didn't have too . I walk in and go pee and wash my hands and walk out . And almost instantly i regretted it , Jonas was kissing baby Ariel . You know what , I'm glad I found out because I wouldn't have been played the whole time . I walk out Like i saw nothing , jovani walks out next , " Jovani i need to talk now " I say grabbing him and walking away , he follows me . " what happened ada " he says sitting in a bench . I sit down and sigh , " I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jonas kissing baby Ariel " I say , " WHAT OMFG !!! Wait why aren't you crying " jovani says , " because I'm glad I found out because if I found out after we started dating .. then I would be torn and think it was all fake but I am sad " I say , " HE WHATT " I hear Mikhaella yell from behind me , " UGH ! I kinda explained that and also why I'm not sad about , don't make it a big deal , I can just dance with you guys " I say , " Ada will you be my date to Muser awards " jovani says , I laugh and nod . " Who ready to partayyyy " I yell , everyone shouts . I giggle , we all walk back to where everyone is now standing , " sorry we had to talk " I winked at jovani he chuckled . We all start walking towards our seats , I start walking with jovani and Mikhaella and Julian laughing at a terrible joke jovani said , " It's not bad " he says pouting , " you're right , it's terrible " I say LAUGHING harder . " Hey ada can I talk to you right now " Jonas says , I roll my eyes and turn around , " I'm busy right now , maybe next time " I say waving him off . He just stands ther shocked or surprised , " Don't act surprised Jonas " I say , " i-iii '' he says , " do you really think I wouldn't see you , While we are Here in mused awards , Don't talk to me , Be near me , or Even look at me , do you Understand " I say putting my hands on my hips , he nods sadly . '' slay baby " Julian says , " I thought I was your baby " Mikhaella says , " ya ada is my baby " jovani says hugging me . We find our seats and sit down . A girl sits next to me , I found out her name is Jada , " What's your Instagram , imma follow you " I say , " My Instagram is jada_lor but MY FAN page is goonsquad_lor ( GO follow her FAN page ) " she says , I follow her . We started dancing and jumping to all the songs , me and Mikhaella and JADA Started yelling " YOU CAN WEAR MY SWEATSHIRT " . It was so much fun . Then something I did not expect happened . The host of the show said " Now in this room there is so many Talented singers in this room , but there's one That we would like to bring on stage .... Ada Garza please join us on stage " Loren GRAY says ( the host ) all of a sudden the lights start shinning on me . " w-wha " I say shocked , " OMG ADA GO "Julian , jovani , JADA , Mikhaella start yelling . I get up and start heading down the stairs . I go onto the floor level and walk all the way To the stage . " Hi ada , WE all HAVE seen your singing videos in your YouTube channel an don your tour you have sung too , You are so talented .. what sing are you gonna sing for us tonight " Loren says hugging me , " hi Loren , Ya a lot of people have seen them and he SI have been singing on my own tour , and thank you so much , to be honest I'm really surprised and shocked so I'm probably gonna sing the only song I know and like at the moment " I say hugging Loren back . " Okay Imma be singing MY favorite song because Me and my best friend Jovani JARA would always sing it but anyways my favorite song is die trying " I say smiling . Loren leaves stage , the lights Dim Down with only one Shinning on me . I look up at Mikhaella and jovani they all smile , jovani blows a kiss to me . I smile wide and start singing
" Are we wrong? Are we right? We jump first and then decide It's hard to explain it Heavy hearts weigh us down
And the waters getting deep Do we swim or do we sink? Cus there's still a long long way to go
We're in over our heads We're holding our breath Will we ever get to the other side Before there's nothing left
Our bodies are weak We're tired and hurting Will we ever get to the other side? Dunno but I swear I'll die trying...
Can't say yes, can't say no There's things out of my control It's hard to explain it Heavy hearts weigh us down
And the waters getting deep Do we swim or do we sink? Cus there's still a long long way to go
We're in over our heads We're holding our breath Will we ever get to the other side Before there's nothing left " Will we ever get to the other side
Our bodies are weak We're tired and hurting Will we ever get to the other side Dunno but I swear I'll die trying
Chain my wrist (down too) A sinking ship (for you) Oh I'll die trying, I'll die trying We're in over our head We're holding our breath will we ever get to the other side Before there's nothing left Yeah Our bodies are weak We're tired and hurting Will we ever get to the other side Dunno Oh oh oh oh Oh oh .." I finish singing . It's all quiet and then All I see and hearing is people standing up clapping , " wow isn't she amazing " Loren says , I thank her , they take me back stage . I go up the elevator to my seat . When I go ther everyone was hugging me telling me I was Greta , " thank you guys " I say smiling , " you sang OUR song " jovani said holding my hand , I nodded
After the show dinner time ) We are all eating dennys everyone was saying I sang beautiful .... , Julian and Mikhaella went missing like ten minutes ago . We are all wearing different clothing , we aren't wearing our fancy clothes anymore . I get up and start looking for them , yes I know they aren't LOST , but what if something happened , I put My camera with flash on . I walk pass a alley way , I hear moans . " what the fuck " I whisper , I get clothes and I just see Mikhaella and Julian Makeing out . I take a few pictures , " OH MY GAWD #Mulian IS REAL " I shout , " AHHH ADA WTF " they yell , I smirk , " I have photos " I say running away . I run to jovani , i showed him the pictures . He was as shocked as me .
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At the hotel ) Mikhaella wanted to sleep with Julian tonight , and jovani is sleeping with Julia. But ow he is sleeping with me . I put on my PJ's which is my Black tang top croptop , and my spandex . Idc if jovani is sleeping with me , imma be comfortable ASF . I jump on the bed , " You tired " Jovani says from the bathroom , " YES " I moan . He chuckled . He Comes back in only black sweats and NO SHIRT . " YOU like what you see baby " he says Air grinding , " YES DADDY " I yell , He starts laughing .