Ada is best friends with 99goonsquad , She has a secret YOUTUBE channel , She tells goonsquad and tells them she's going on tour , Mikhaella and goonsquad get to go , And other youtubers are gonna be on tour , will she fall for one if them . What h...
I went to my dressing room and changed into my party outfit . I get Lou to do my hair and Brooke to do my makeup . " Omg YOU looks sooooooooo good " They both say , I smile and hug them . " you gonna get the guys at the club " Brooke says winking , " nahhh I have Nathan " I say smiling , " awww " they say causing me to blush .
We walk out of my room and there stands Nathan with sum khakis and a nice rolled up buttoned shirt . " wow " we both say at the same time . " you look .... amazing " He says kissing me . I kiss back a lil and pull away and say " you look handsome too " I say as I peck his lips . He smiles and takes my hand , " Shall WE GO " he says smiling , " YES we shall " I say laughing . We get in our uber because We are picking Ethan , and grayson . " OKAY can you take us to this place " I said showing the uber driver The directions . " oh of course honey " the lady says , she puts it in her GPS . ". So where are you guys going looking all nice " She says smiling at us from the mirror . " we are going t-to a Party .. a Modeling party " I say smiling , " Oooo , That's so cool . No wonder you guys are models , you are beautiful and You ... young man are very handsome. Are you guys a couple or just good friends " she says , " We are a couple " Nathan says grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek . " aw that's adorable " She says . " we are here ... to pick up Your friends " She says . I see Ethan and grayson standing outside .
"I'll sit in the front SO you can hang with them " Nathan says , " are you sure ... " I say , he nods and sits on the front . I get out of the car and walk/jog to Ethan and grayson and hug them . " I missed you ". THEY say smiling . " I saw you LEGIT three hours ago or less " I say giggling , they shrug . " You guys look good " I say smiling , ". You do too " Ethan says smiling . " thanks .... well Let's get going .." I say walking to the uber , " this is Nathan my boyfriend "I say , they Shake hands and introduce themselves . " how did you guys meet " Nathan asks , " When I explored LA by myself .... I snook into their Warehouse bc i SAW purple lights and I went in and saw Trampolines everywhere ... and then ... " I get cut off by Ethan , ". then she ran into a wall and that's how we found she shook in .. and we became good friends " Ethan says laughing . " Hey ! It hurt a lot " I say pouting , " AWW is the baby gonna cry "gray says teasing me . I flip them off , the uber driver chuckles . " You guys will have a never ending Friendship " she says smiling , " I hope so " I say hugging them both and smiling . " Me too " they both say at the same time .
At the party )
Nathan is dancing With his friends which are Apart of his ' Crew ' . His Friends from the Studio .. I haveA crew that's always in the West Wing of the Studio and his is South wing . Also He is more famous than me .. in the Modeling side . I'm just sitting down On a couch with Ethan and Grayson . " Wanna dance " A girl asks Ethan . " uhh ... " he looks at me , and I nod telling him to go dance . He looks at me and Looks at the girl and says " Sorry .. But I'm kinda tired ... sorry " He says , the girls nods kinda sadly and walks away . " why'd you say no " I say . " because I want to spend time with my best friends " he says smiling . " awwwwwwwwww " Grayson and I says hugging him . He chuckles , " Oooo can you take a Instagram pic of Grayson and I " Ethan asks , I nod . I get ETHANS phone and take A really bomb ass photo , " OMG ! It's perfect " Ethan says FAKE crying . I chuckle ,
Instagram photo )
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" No problem " I say . Not even a hour later ... Grayson is sooooooooo drunk . He's dancing like a party animal , Which he is one jaha. Ethan is sober . " Yo Ethan , imma take Grayson home .. You wanna stay or take you home " I say , " I'll stay .... also take him to the apartment .. Text me when you get in the uber and I'll give you the adress To the apartment "he says smiling , " Okay .. I'll be back " i say hugging him and Grabbing Grayson's arm And pulling him away from His Shot he was gonna take . " AYE AYE aye .. what is you doing gurlll " he slurs , " You're drunk so we are going home " I say , " No i am not ... I am Not Dddrrrrrunk " he slurs again . I roll my eyes and Take his hand . We walk outside and wait for the uber I just ' Ordered ' . " Are YOU kidnaping me " he whispers , I roll my eyes and chuckle lightly . " No Grayson .. I'm taking you home because You are toooooo drunk " I say , He rolls his eyes . " I'm not drunk " he says trying to talk normal but failed . The uber came and I give the driver the Adress to The apartments . I didn't know where they lived but I texted Ethan and he told me . ( I love this part lmao ) I pay the driver ( who is female ) and get out while dragging Grayson . I Hear the driver roll down the window , " Hey good luck with him " she says chuckling . I laugh , " thanks .. I need it " I say laughing . Then she drives off to .. who knows where
I realized I don't have the key for The Apartment . And they locked the doors to the warehouse because .. that's where we picked them up on the way to the Party . I Turn to face Grayson and Put my hand in his pockets to see if if the keys were there . As soon as I feel the keys I Get them out of his pocket . " Ada ... are you stealing me " He says gasping , i have to admit drunk grayson is cute and adorable. I shake my head .. I giggle . " No I'm not " I say . I open the door and take him to his room . I get him in his PJ's which is Sweats and no Shirt ... let's just say He has ABS OF A GOD DAMMMNNNN . He lays down and gets under the. Blanket , " I need to tell you something ... do not tell ada anything " he says , I chuckle and nod . " okay I won't tell her " I say playing along , " I think she's beautiful " He says before sleeping . I chuckle and get up and leave and head to the party again .