Ada is best friends with 99goonsquad , She has a secret YOUTUBE channel , She tells goonsquad and tells them she's going on tour , Mikhaella and goonsquad get to go , And other youtubers are gonna be on tour , will she fall for one if them . What h...
Adas pov ) I woke up to my phone buzzing . I yawn and pick up my phone , I see Why all the buzzing is happening . Jovani is calling me
Me : Hello * yawns *
J : oh sorry if I woke you up
Me : it's fine .. c-can I help you with something
J : no i Just wanted to call you because I miss you .. and I wanted to see how's everything
Me : I miss you too , and everything has been perfect the photo shoots have been amazing , I have another one tomorrow and After the photo shoot there is gonna be an after Party
J : oh that's cool ... Hey I saw your snapchat with Nathan... are you guys good
Me : Ya , we are great .. we talked about it
J : Oh that's great ... I have to go bye
* hangs up *
That was strange .... I get up And change clothes which is some high waisted Shorts and a crop top that was in the closet in my dressing room . I text Lou and ask her if she wants to explore LA with me but sh said no . She was busy doing photo shoots . I Put a snap back on and get my purse and my phone and head out onto the Busy Streets
A couple hours later ) I saw this White building with purple lights inside . I wanted to go but It's Kinda illegal eh YOLO . I walked to the door and it opened , I walked quietly ... I saw trampolines and then I hear " This is Me and Ethans Ware house ... welcome to the Dolan WareHouse " I hear a boy say . WAIT Ethan .... DOLAN .. OMFG the Dolan twins !! . I turned around and ran into the wall . " Who's there " I hear Grayson yell , " FUK " I whisper . " Who's there ... come out ... i won't hurt you " Grayson said , " Well he won't ... I don't know about me " I hear Ethan say. I chuckle a lil bit . " Okay ... " I say . I step out , wow .. They are much more handsome and taller in person . " H-hi " I say waving and smiling , " Uhhhhhhhhhhhh " They say raising an eyebrow , " Hi my name is Ada garza . I was exploring the city and I saw this building and didn't know what it was , and I saw that it was unlocked and I was looking around and then I ran into the stupid wall " I say rubbing my forehead because it started to hurt . They started laughing , " Are YOU SERIOUS " Grayson said laughing a lot , I chuckle . " ya .. Don't tell anyone but I'm a Wizard that walks through walls ... in another world " I say chuckling , they laugh even more . " You're chill ... Wanna Jump with us " Grayson asks , " Hell ya .. this is like A Kids Heaven " I say kicking my shoes off and Jumping over A wall and Landing onto the foam pit . " Omg HAHA HAHHA " i HEAR them say , i stick MY head out . " Can YOU not talk about me behind my wall " I say squinting at them , " who are you Donald trump " Ethan says smirking , " I can be if you want me too " I say smirking back . " OOOO SHE GOT YOU THERE ETH " Grayson Says jumping on Ethan . " Aw my GRETHAN heart " I say smiling . " what ? Are you a fan of us " They ask , i nod . '' Why Aren't YOU screaming " Ethan says , " I can scream if you want ... or I can say worse thing " I says smirking no , " like what " grayson says . " DADDY !! CHOKE ME " I yell smirking , I look at the covering their ears screaming . " IM JUST A BOY " grayson says , I chuckle . We start jumping and it was so much fun . I check the time it's eight PM . " Omg it's 8 PM ... I have to start heading back to the studio " I say , " What ! Nooo the part JUST started " Ethan says pouting looking Super funny and adorable
ETHANS face ( not really a pout )
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" I know but it's late " I say pouting too . " Please stay longer ... youre so much fun " Gray says tugging on my hand , I sigh and nod . " I'll text my ' Boss ' that I'm spending the night at my aunts house ... I should visit her sometime bc she live over here " I say , " YAYYY " They SAY hugging me . I chuckle , " You guys are not Hollywood at all , how do people hate you , you guys are adorable " I say grabbing their cheeks . They chuckle , " Also Ethan Your jawline looks like A bicycle Seat haha " I say laughing , he rolls his eyes . " and grayson You're perfect baby " i say winking .
We ended up falling asleep in the Foam pit which was so much fun
Short chapter sorry ... The Dolan twins are now Apart of the story .. sorry if you don't like this idea but IDGAF